Mar 14, 2014
David Chev Corvette Show 2014.
Saturday August 9th, 2014
915 Niagara Street, Welland.
Entry Fee: $20.00
First 65 Corvettes receive a goody bag.
Bonus !!!! Chance to win $100.00 in Gas or $500.00 Citizen Chronograph Eco-Drive Watch.
Awards: (7) Stingray's Choice C-1 To C-7 1st Place (14) Class Runner Up Judges Choice
(1) People's Choice - (1) David Award Of Excellence.
Great Music & Run-A-Way-Give-A-Ways By DJ Buck
Corvette gates open at 10:00 a.m.
Awards and Draws at 1:30 p.m.
Must Be Present To Win Awards & Raffles!!!!

For More Information Contact:

Tracy at 905 - 385 - 0635 / [email protected] / spashpage

Buck at 905 - 538 - 2755 / spashpage
The GM Powertrain show was always attended by our departed friend Bishs (Garry Bishop) -- and he spoke very highly of the event. I'm sure you'll hear his name mentioned there.

I believe his wife Nancy still goes to these events.

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