Jan 27, 2009
Township of Langley, BC
1975 coupe/2003 vert
I stopped by a local collector toy store yesterday as he always has something interesting. Lots of diecast, models and hot wheels in there. He motioned me to a back shelf and there was a stack of CORVETTE NEWS magazines.!! It turned out to be 50 issues from 1971-1981. These mags were put out by GM from 1957 up thru the '80s.. I'm not sure when/if it stopped?

So we worked out a deal. It's great to read about the 'new' cars and racing back in those days.
There was specifically an Oct/Nov 1974 issue that introduces the 1975 Stingray.
Anybody else have these?
I have the complete set for the 1975 model year including the one introducing the new '75. Interesting reading. That is pretty much a copy of my car on the cover. :D
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