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Canada Day

Black 03 Z06

Staff member
Power User
Oct 30, 2013
Haliburton, Ontario
2003 Z06
Well Happy Birthday Canada and to anyone else whose birthday may be today.

What is going on in your neck of the woods today?

Raining heavily in Haliburton, Ontario which I think has put the Canada Day festivities on hold. It is a shame because I know how hard the folks work to put on car shows, concerts, displays, BBQ's and on and on. Weather, not much you can do about.

Have a great day. She doesn't look a day over 147.
Lots of activities all over town culminating in annual Fireworks display in a park next to my Mom's condo. Got some rain early on but it promises to be ok for the celebrations later on.

My 4-legged critters hate the noises tho so I spend the evening (and the last few evenings) comforting them.

Hope the rain stops for you people in Haliburton, Murray.

Happy Canada Day to you too.

There must have been at least 20 Corvettes of all years going down Port Union Rd in S/E Scarborough during a downpour at about 10:30 this morning.
I was in our minivan going to help family move some furniture .

Who was that beautiful group?

Went over to the Port Perry Cruise Night and was told to park down at the back. It was the visitor parking area down away from the main cruise. If they don't want newer cars there, I would rather they just tell us outright. We left, went for a nice drive and had a nice Kawartha Dairy ice cream on the way home. It was better than a cruise night. I believe a similar attitude destroyed another port Perry area cruise night.
We had a great Canada Day and our village has a live band and fireworks tonight. I can see and hear it all right from our house.

josie gets terrified at the noise from the fireworks and i have to comfort her all night. here in cottage country it seems that every idiot from the city that owns a bic lighter feels the need to light fireworks until 1:00 am for the entire summer. :swear:
We had great weather for Canada Day here with lots of sun and temps in the high 20s. In the morning though we hold a remberence ceremony for the battle of Beaumont Hamel when the Royal Newfoundland Regiment was virtually wiped out on July 1st during WW1.

Happy birthday Canada. Canada is a democratic constitutional monarchy, with a Sovereign as head of State and an elected Prime Minister as head of Government. Canada has a federal system of parliament government, where federal, provincial and territorial governments share government responsibilities and functions. The Monarchy and the executive, legislative and judicial branches of Government carry out federal responsibilities.

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