After have my car sit for over a month it is finally working. When I put the key in the DIC would display 'Pull key, wait 10 sec', after doing that, I would get 'Service Column Lock' and the car would cut the fuel to the engine at speeds above 2mph. The problem is that the computer thinks that the actuator that locks the steering wheel is extended and that the steering wheel is locked. GM had a few problems with C5's steering locking as people were driving their cars so they issued a recall that is unclear and inconsistent at best. Some cars received a new wiring harness between the actuator motor and BCM called the K harness. Some had an extra relay installed and placed under the BCM, while others received neither of these. However, all computers were reprogrammed to cut fuel the engine should the computer detect that the steering wheel is 'locked'. I could easily move the steering wheel so something was wrong. After charging the battery, replacing the suspected relay, pulling fuse 25 and 29 multiple times and having no success, I ordered a CLB from Corvettes of Houston. Anyone that does not know what this is, it is a small electronic box that fools the BCM into thinking that the actuator is in the proper location getting rid of this issue. More information than you wanted to know I bet.
Here is the install.
Content of the CLB system include the CLB electrical box and a connector with a cigarette lighter plug in on the end. This is used to retract the locking mechanism if your steering wheel is locked.
First thing is to remove the lower dash panel under the steering wheel. This is done by prying the fog light/hatch release panel and removing the torx 15 screw underneath it. Unplug the harness going to the switches.
Next, pry the cabin temperature sensor cover off and remove the same screw under that.
There are two more torx 15 screws holding the bottom of the panel on.
Now the fun part, start removing the panel by grabbing it by the side and pulling on it until it lets go. Once it pops free, move up and pop free the upper part of the panel freeing it from the left side of the dash.
The tricky part is next, pull the panel out that covers the temp sensor so that the lower panel can be removed. Reason, the temp sensor extends a couple inches into the dash and is attached to the lower panel, so the temp sensor panel where you pulled the cover off previously has to be pulled out quite a ways so the temp sensor body clears everything.
Here is the install.
Content of the CLB system include the CLB electrical box and a connector with a cigarette lighter plug in on the end. This is used to retract the locking mechanism if your steering wheel is locked.
First thing is to remove the lower dash panel under the steering wheel. This is done by prying the fog light/hatch release panel and removing the torx 15 screw underneath it. Unplug the harness going to the switches.
Next, pry the cabin temperature sensor cover off and remove the same screw under that.
There are two more torx 15 screws holding the bottom of the panel on.
Now the fun part, start removing the panel by grabbing it by the side and pulling on it until it lets go. Once it pops free, move up and pop free the upper part of the panel freeing it from the left side of the dash.
The tricky part is next, pull the panel out that covers the temp sensor so that the lower panel can be removed. Reason, the temp sensor extends a couple inches into the dash and is attached to the lower panel, so the temp sensor panel where you pulled the cover off previously has to be pulled out quite a ways so the temp sensor body clears everything.