
I know this is a little off topic but I thought you may be interested in this little story aside from my report on the Windsor Streetcar #351 restored at RM Auto Restorations.

On May 4, 2019 there were 30 members of the Corvette Club of Windsor gathered for the 100 kilometre cruise to Molly and O.J.’s Restaurant in Erieau. We were fortunate to have been asked to tour the RM Auto Restorations shop in Chatham later in the afternoon. Because public tours of their work shop had been discontinued a few years back this was an incredible opportunity for us.

After a nice lunch in Erieau, it became quite a sight for the locals to watch this impressive string of Corvettes, from C3’s to C7’s, caravanning by on their way to Chatham. A short 25 kilometre run north where we filled the RM Auto Restorations parking lot with our cars. The group was greeted by Ernie Morreau, the General Manager of RM Auto Restorations, where he guided us through the various sections of their workshops and then on into their museum. We were privileged to be able to tour the workshops because, as I said before, public tours are no more. Because of the confidentiality of what goes on in the shops, there was no photography permitted inside or stories written.



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