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Badlands Motorsports Resort: First reading of re-zoning application approved.


I'm New Here
Mar 25, 2013
2006 Z06
Motorsports Enthusiasts:

After many years of development, we are pleased to announce that the first reading of our re-zoning application in Kneehill County to obtain a Direct Control District to develop a comprehensive Motorsports Facility, was approved almost unanimously (6:1) by council on March 12th, 2013.

The re-zoning application is to approve the development of a 4.4-mile multi-configuration Road Course, Paddock, Commercial Development, Non-motorsport Recreational Development, and Residential Development.

This is a significant step towards a World-Class Motorsports facility becoming a reality in Southern Alberta; a facility which is designed to meet the needs of a wide range of motorsports enthusiasts throughout Western Canada.

As many of you already know, this project has been in development since 2005. The process has taken longer than expected, but all issues have now been resolved.

We still have to go through a second reading (Public Hearing), which is scheduled for June 11th, 2013. However, based on information provided to us by the Development Office of the Kneehill County, we are confident that all of the concerns raised by the area citizens have been addressed and we are very optimistic that we will obtain the final approvals in June 2013.

Construction could start as soon as the Spring of 2014, with the track opening in 2015.

We have thoroughly updated the FAQ section of our website to reflect the recent developments and we have included much more detailed information about the project, the planned amenities, and the operation of the Road Course.

Please visit FAQ: Badlands Motorsports Resort Development for more information and for answers to many questions including:

Q: Why has no information been released about the project since 2009?
Q: Are there any Investment opportunities available?
Q: What are the phases of Development?
Q: When will construction commence and what is the proposed opening date?
Q: I have heard of another proposed Motorsports Development in Southern Alberta, is this the same one?
Q: How is this development different from any other proposed development in Alberta?
Q: Where is the development located?
Q: Do the principles of this development have any Motorsports experience?
Q: How much will memberships cost?
Q: Will there be financing options for memberships?
Q: How many members will the facility be able to accommodate?
Q: Will members be able to sell or transfer their Membership?
Q: What will I receive for my membership?
Q: Will there be a Kart track?
Q: Will the facility be open for driving events all year round?
Q: Given the climate in Alberta, How will it be possible for the Road Course to be open all year?
Q: What activities will take place on the Road Courses and Skid-pad?
Q: Will the Road Courses and Skid-pad be available to rent to non-members?
Q: Will there be a facility available for low-speed driver training and autocross events?
Q: Will there be Time Attack (Solo Sprint) at the Club?
Q: Will there be Wheel to wheel Competition events on the Road Courses?
Q: Will there be a drag strip or drag racing?
Q: When will you start accepting deposits for memberships, garages, and residential condos?
Any News?

Anyone have an update on this?

I read an important public hearing needed to approve a new land use for the motorsports park was scheduled to be held yesterday (Dec. 4) up in Three Hills, AB.

As I understand it, county council needs to hold the hearing before it can go on to amend the land use bylaw. The bylaw amendment would rezone the land from agricultural use to what amounts to a race track use. And that could open the door to a development permit application.

No word in the Calgary Herald this morning on how the public hearing went or when county council will finish deliberations on whether to approve the bylaw amendment. I think this process could finish quickly. Given the interest maybe we'll see media reports or a report from Badlands shortly?

Here's hoping the bylaw approval comes quickly and the project takes another step forward.

Sounds like the second reading of the bylaw amendment was passed after the public hearing and it will go for third reading sometime in the new year.

A positive step for sure!
Third Reading Passed

I see that the Kneehill council passed the bylaw in third reading yesterday, which means the land is now rezoned to permit a race track use. A huge step in the right direction and congratulations to the group that is doing this!

Here's hoping the development permit is forthcoming in the new future and this project proceeds to construction.

Absolutely good news Cowtowner, congrats -- I just wish it were closer to us

Absolutely good news Cowtowner, congrats -- I just wish it were closer to us


Thanks, but no congratulations are in order for me - I have nothing to do with it other than I'm just a guy who would use the track. The guys who are pushing this along are doing a great job but I don't even know them.

It's been a real downer for me since Race City closed and I haven't raced since. The loss of the Calgary track was also a loss of family tradition for me at some level, since I had a brother who raced small block '55s for years at Shepard Raceway and spent lots of time there as a kid.

Hmm, maybe congratulations are in order for me then! Canada needs more race tracks!
Cant wait to see the progress further! We need more access to these types of facilities in Alberta!


I guess the trade of Fort Sask. for Castrol road course paving wasn't too bad, but definitely need a couple more!

I see that council did an about face on Race City's lease forcing its closure. What changed their minds?

Shepard Raceway looked like a great 1/4 mile track. Must have been a lot of sad racers over its closure.
Lots of familiar faces raced there.

nice to see a facility get beyond the rumour phase for years there have been rumours about a dragstrip at mosport, but that's as far as it ever gets. years ago there was much talk about a dragstrip at westgate speedway [now peterborough speedway] dunno what happened there either. people may remember westgate as the track where stunt driver ken carter made his final fatal jump.
The land that race city occupied was required to finish the last leg of the south east ring road.

Just to clarify a bit, part of the north end of the track was needed for the ring road, but the City wanted the rest of the site for waste management as it is adjacent to the SE dump. I think people in the racing community suggested turns 9 through the key hole could be reconfigured to provide for the ring road, but in the end the City decided they wanted the whole site for the dump (and the sliver for the ring road). Why they couldn't integrate the race track and the dump, or work around the race track for another decade or whatever, I don't know and I don't recall city council ever discussing it in public. Certainly the City's administration during council hearings seemed adamant the dump needed the land without any creative ideas to accommodate both.

Calgary's city council seemed more interested in getting the track out of the way than exploring alternatives for the recreation of Calgary's large motorsports community. The only one who seemed to care was McIver who was running for mayor at the time, and when Nenshi became mayor the track issue seemed to die.
New updates on Badland's site regarding timing, for those who are interested and haven't seen it.

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