Anodizing Brake booster

A few years ago I put a restored power brake booster on the '69 Chevelle that we had. They called the finish gold iridite which had a slight rainbow effect to it. There are companies who will take your booster, disassemble it, plate the parts and install new diaphragm and other wear items. Brakes are pretty important and well worth spending money on when restoring a car.
That's really cool Keith! I think when mine starts to go I'll look into that.

Nascar03- I'm going to be honest I kind of knew there weren't going to be massive gains if any. I did decide to go through with it because I thought it would look cool. I also figured it did move it from directly over the hot engine into a cooler spot in the engine bay, away from the fan blowing hot air at it. I also could have had some clearance issues with the way my lines run into my fuel system but never really checked because I still wanted to do it regardless of that. I also figured if I did switch to a centrifugal supper charger it would follow a very close route. Lastly it's open to improvement. If anyone has an idea of how I could get some cold air by routing it somehow that would be awesome! I noticed there are big pockets in the front bumper. I also thought if I get electric fans someday I might be able to route it underneath and into that pocket. I don't know but I'm open to suggestions, this just started the ball rolling!

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