All Detailed & I'm Impressed

I'd be happy to give you some pointers if you need help.
A very kind and generous offer Toxic, thank you. My problem now is finding the time and the energy to do a decent job myself. I not the spry guy I used to be!
A very kind and generous offer Toxic, thank you. My problem now is finding the time and the energy to do a decent job myself. I not the spry guy I used to be!

I hear that, machine polishing and paint correction can be very difficult on the body; Particularly stressful on the hands.
I've got a permanent pinched nerve right up my arm due to polishing for extended periods of time. Numbness in both my ring and pinky finger.
Thanks to everyone for showing me how crappy my car's finish is. :-D Maybe I need to talk to a good detailer. Anyone in the Saskatoon area have a suggestion?

Also, for machine polishers, is there a particular brand and style you like? I bought a cheap one, but it was heavy, awkward, and annoying to use. I ended up throwing it out. I wouldn't mind trying some of the cleaning and polishing systems if I had some machine assistance.
Thanks to everyone for showing me how crappy my car's finish is. :-D Maybe I need to talk to a good detailer. Anyone in the Saskatoon area have a suggestion?

Also, for machine polishers, is there a particular brand and style you like? I bought a cheap one, but it was heavy, awkward, and annoying to use. I ended up throwing it out. I wouldn't mind trying some of the cleaning and polishing systems if I had some machine assistance.

There are a lot of options out there for you to consider.
If you're starting out your best bet would be a Porter Cable 7424XP or a Griot's Garage 6" Polisher.
None of these will allow you to burn through paint or clear coat.

Couple those with some Buff and Shine Pads and some Menzerna Compounds and Polishes and you're set!
Hey Toxix, for a 2014 that's in decent shape paint wise, would I need a medium cut polish? It looks like it wouldn't be a bad idea to do a once over with the 2400 grit, but I'd like some advice before I give it a try. Just making up my shopping list. Then again... I could certainly use it on my wife's old car...

2400grit sandpaper? Kindly clarify
Ok, I took a look at Menzerna's polishing compounds. The two I was considering were:
Menzerna - Medium Cut Polish 2400 (SI 1500) 32 oz
Menzerna Super Finish Plus 3800 (SF4500) 32oz

I'm not sure I would need the Medium Cut polish for my Corvette, but certainly would for my wife's car. I guess I was wondering about how aggressive a paste you would want for a first pass.
Ok, I took a look at Menzerna's polishing compounds. The two I was considering were:
Menzerna - Medium Cut Polish 2400 (SI 1500) 32 oz
Menzerna Super Finish Plus 3800 (SF4500) 32oz

I'm not sure I would need the Medium Cut polish for my Corvette, but certainly would for my wife's car. I guess I was wondering about how aggressive a paste you would want for a first pass.

Good choices here.
Menzerna 2400 works amazingly as a solid quick correct/near one step.
You'll still need to apply sealant after having worked with 2400.

If your paint is pretty scratched up, I would suggest just going straight to Medium Cut Polish 2400. If you're looking at some light, minor swirls and scratches then SF4500 will do the trick for you.

Either way, you won't be doing much harm with 2400. I use a lot of FG400 + 2400 + SF4500. I buy them in the gallons.

Heres a quick shot of a 2014 Mustang GT Hood I worked on after using Menzerna MC2400. I followed up with an IPA (Diluted Isopropyl Alchohol) wipe down 1:10

so what was the combination of products you used this time?
Sorry, I'm late to reply. I used the following:
Chemical Guys Citrus Wash and Gloss. (You need a good cleaner wash to get any old products off, before starting and this is the chit).
Chemical Guys Clay Bar (I really don't think there's much of a difference in this and Maguire's)
Menzerna Medium Cut 2 Compound. ( I did have to use a hard cut for the deeper scratches and swirls).
Menzerna Super Finish Plus finishing polish)
Swissvax Scuderia Wax. (Very expensive but it seems like even after 5 coats, they just keep getting deeper and deeper) I LOVE this stuff!!

I will likely try some new products, that I'm told are hitting the market in 2018, but to date this stuff is my favorite.

Funny thing about the tires...........DON'T, I repeat DON'T ever use AutoGlym Tire dressing!! These tires looked amazing the night before these pics were taken, but didn't last the day! I normally brag about Autoglym stuff, and like a lot of their products, just not the tire crap. Anyway, I'll get more pics (with the tires done lol, and some inside a garage because they look way better inside, as far as reflection goes).
Toxic, that's really, really impressive! I really like the Manzerna products. I get all my supplies and tips from Auto Obsessed in Edmonton. They are pricey too, but you can't put a price on their experience, so as long as they are willing to share their knowledge, I'll continue to purchase my supplies from them.

I wish I lived closer to you.. I need help with my black cars.


Could this be the same Graham (nascar03) that I know... and have visited.... and have seen his "black" Corvettes...and have lost my balance and fell into their shine while gazing upon the reflections of the world around them.... and just recently have climbed my way out of the bottomless depths of their paint .. ?.... naw.... Couldn't be the same guy... Couldn't have been this car's owner pleading for help.... :rolleyes:

I'm really interested what it will do with my father-in-law's old 2002 Jaguar X-type. It's really suffering.

I took at look at that Swissvax Scuderia, but apparently you have to be rich enough to own a Ferrari to use that wax. My wife would have killed me if she found out I spent $400 on car wax alone. :-D

I didn't see a good recommendation for a sealant, is there a particular product that you all would recommend?
I would recommend to anyone new to this, to have your paint/clearcoat depth measured before trying to remove scratches or swirls, if you're working on a vehicle 10 years or older. You can find many horror stories online about people cutting right through the clear into the paint. With older cars, unless you owned them from new, you have no idea what the previous owner did, or tried to do.
In my opinion, a premium Carnauba Wax will net you a slightly better gloss and shine, but a sealant will protect a lot longer, and still looks amazing when applied correctly. Personally I prefer the wax, simply for the looks, but I also enjoy waxing it with the wife every month or so.
Great shine! I love that red. You never see that colour here. I'm also waiting to hear what products you like.
Thanks Riley. BTW the wife and I are hoping to make it Stoon this Saturday. I see there is an A&W Hop night on 8th. Do these usually get a good turn out?
We are also planning to be there for the Rock 102 Weekend in August. Hopefully we can meet up at some point this summer.

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