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Last year I started looking for a used sports car in the 60k bracket. Then my wife wanted me to buy something newer, so into the 70k bracket. Prices started rising towards the end of the year and before I knew it I was looking in the 80k bracket. Then I figured out I could get a new C8 for that kind of money. Nine months later, two price increases and many many build and price sessions and I am in the 90k bracket! This new tax is going to make SURE that I will not be in the 100k bracket!! Unless I get pushed into 2024 models and another price increase...but whats the chances of that 🤔
The tax is only on the amount over $100k, so $105k would be taxed on the $5k.
That’s sorta true up to $200,000. Luxury Tax for vehicles over $100,000 is the lesser of 10% of the total price or 20% of the price exceeding the threshold. Up to $200,000 the second tax scenario is better. After $200,000 the first.
That makes me feel better.... Only an extra $450,000 in tax on my Lamborghini Veneno Roadster. Whew. I was expecting the full $900,000 extra cost. And then I woke up and realized I only dreamt I ordered a $4.5 mil car.
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Why should my hard work, years of education, and personal sacrifices made working 60 plus hours a week, create a scenario where I am rewarded with a luxury tax, and who gets to define “luxury”? The liberal philosophy is to drag everyone into the same miserable existence. Not only is it not my problem that someone else cannot afford a “luxury” item, it is de-motivating to find that my success is taxed to pay for some program for someone who is less “motivated”. Those who can afford a luxury item are likely already at the top bracket of taxable income and are also likely to be paying tens of thousands of dollars (or even hundreds of thousands) to CRA for programs they will never even contemplate using.

Isn’t socialism fun when you are spending other peoples money?

Take your tax and shove it.
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Not only is it not my problem that someone else cannot afford a “luxury” item, it is de-motivating to find that my success is taxed to pay for some program for someone who is less “motivated”.

Isn’t socialism fun when you are spending other peoples money?
You already do that to a large extent and have your whole life as high incomes are indexed at a higher rate than lower ones. Every party supports that. No party I know of has proposed a flat tax. Someone has to pay and you're not getting much from the lower class and the middle class is pretty much tapped out. Who does that leave besides the wealthy and very profitable corporations? As to who defines what high income is, that would be the CRA.

"Isn’t socialism fun when you are spending other peoples money?"
Pretty sure Harper spent other people's money too..
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"Isn’t socialism fun when you are spending other peoples money?"
Dont conservatives spend other people's money too?
Of course they do. The difference is Conservatives typically give at least some value to the investments made with taxpayers money.

Lets just for the fun of it look at one Liberal Investment. While claiming his family made nothing from the WE folks that of course proved to be incorrect. His wife, mother and brother were paid, according to sources, $312,000 for speeches and other supporting work for the WE Charity. There has been a long history as you well know between the your leader and the Kielburger Brothers (400% increase in spending with WE under the current Liberal Government). Ultimately WE was granted $43.5 MILLION to take on the role of coordinating the Canada Student Grant Service program. The government already had a proven department for looking after such things but the contract was given without tender as you may recall. When the proverbial crap hit the fan it was discovered that the Finance Minister, Bill Morneau, had taken a $40K trip with WE, an action that he resigned over. Now remember the guy at the top was a friend of the Kielburgers and yet in the end he tossed them under the bus and essentially put the organization out of business. This is a person you would never want as a friend, ever. Frankly not someone even remotely qualified to be Prime Minister either.

Someone has to pay and you're not getting much from the lower class and the middle class is pretty much tapped out. Who does that leave besides the wealthy and very profitable corporations? As to who defines what high income is, that would be the CRA.
I thought you said in the previous post that all these "lower" class people had been elevated from poverty by the Liberals? No maybe not.
Of course they do. The difference is Conservatives typically give at least some value to the investments made with taxpayers money.

Lets just for the fun of it look at one Liberal Investment.
Lets just for fun look at several Conservative Investments:

-The Harper government has long been in hot water for building a $2-million tourism pavilion at the 2010 G8/G20 summit media centre in Toronto, which infamously included a ‘fake lake’ that simulates Ontario’s cottage country. The Conservatives spent a record $1.1 billion hosting the events, including $160 million in hospitality, food, security, and infrastructure bills.

-Taxpayers fronted $47,000 for a 2010 Tory press conference during which then-Defence Minister Peter MacKay posed for a “hero shot” in a fake F-35 fighter jet built by manufacturer Lockheed Martin, which was brought in from Texas for the special event.

-Since 2012, the Conservative government has spent more than $1.3 million in legal fees trying to prevent new mothers who fell seriously ill during maternity leave from collecting disability benefits.

-Former International Cooperation Minister Bev Oda and Finance Minister Joe Oliver seem to share a taste for costly coolers, provided taxpayers are footing the bill. In 2011, Oda expensed a $16-glass of orange juice and a $1,995-stay in the swanky Savoy Hotel during a government trip to London, England, where she also hired a limousine to cart her around at a cost of nearly $1,000 per day.

-In 2012, Agriculture Canada gave $826,000 to Cardinal Meat Specialists Ltd. in Brampton, Ont. to help produce “a higher quality sausage that is more resistant to splitting or bursting while cooking.”
At the time, Parliamentary Secretary Pierre Lemieux (Glengarry-Prescott-Russell), said investing in a less explosive sausage was congruent with government objectives of improving “jobs, growth, and long-term prosperity.”

-In 2015, taxpayers fronted a $4.5-million bill to buy brand new dress uniforms for Canadian soldiers and naval officers after the Harper government announced a return to World War II-era ranks and insignia.
The changes were mocked by many who wondered why the feds would revert to a system that went out of use in 1968 — “almost 20 years before the last soldier to die in Afghanistan was even born,” the CBC reported.
NDP defence critic Jack Harris criticized the government for wasteful spending on style while the needs of veterans and current military were not being met.

-In 2013, Defence Research and Development Canada (DRDC) spent nearly $14,000 on a survey that asked Canadians whether superheroes could fly, leap over skyscrapers, see through walls, become invisible and hear whispers from miles away.
The study was completed by Toronto researcher M. Afzal Upal, and designed to help the Canadian Forces “win the hearts and minds” of local populations when deployed overseas.

-Taxpayers forked out at least $45,000 for Prime Minister Stephen Harper’s 2011 Labour Day weekend trip to Manhattan, which included pricey New York Yankees tickets and a Broadway show. Harper was accompanied by his daughter Rachel, four staffers, and guests. Documents obtained by the CBC under Access to Information revealed a portion of the excursion’s costs — $34,633 for the use of the Challenger Jet and another $11,026 for the expenses of staff.

When you hear the phrase all politicians are alike, in many ways that is true.
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We could play this game all day long.

383 people to the Paris Climate Summit

Failed UN Seat

16 Tons of PPE to China

Billions missing from infrastructure funds

No budget in 2 years and 1.6 Trillion in debt

600 Million in Media payoffs that strangely were never mentioned prior to the last election including the A holes at CBC who were the fact checkers during the last voting cycle. Can you imagine that?

Khadr $10 Million

While I will have no issue that all politicians of all stripes have had issues/policies that I do not agree with or support there is just something so very special about Mr. Dress-up that brings out the worst in people. Seriously he has had only one real job, Drama Teacher, and he came away from that position with a "Non Disclosure Agreement". Does not take much to guess what happened there.
We could play this game all day long.
Yes, we could if you wanted to, but do you?

-"failed UN seat". Harpers govt didnt get one either
-"16 Tons of PPE to China" - that was payback to them sending us PPE when we had a severe shortage in our hospitals.
-"600 Million in Media payoffs" ..that was to help save Canadian media, newspapers, etc
-"Khadr $10 Million" --Jan 25, 2007 — Ottawa has reached a $10-million settlement with Maher Arar over Canada's role in a U.S. decision to deport him to Syria, where he was ...
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While I will have no issue that all politicians of all stripes have had issues/policies that I do not agree with or support there is just something so very special about Mr. Dress-up that brings out the worst in people. Seriously he has had only one real job, Drama Teacher, and he came away from that position with a "Non Disclosure Agreement". Does not take much to guess what happened there.
-Harper always brought out the best in people? lol
-What do you think happened there and can you prove it?
-Andrew Scheer claimed to be a licenced insurance broker when he had no licence to be one.
-The deficit? The biggest chunk of that went for covid relief which conservatives voted for.
-Mr. Dressup? I dont believe in calling people childish names..but continue on if you wish.
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