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A Sucker Punch From Your Neighbour/Friend?

Considering that the NDP will never form a federal government as long as there's still some degree of sanity in Canada, the remaining choices are few. If we vote the Liberals back in we're condoning what they've done for the last 9 years, and if we vote PC we are taking a chance that they will do no better.
But luckily we all have Corvettes and when spring comes, we can forget politics and our toughest choices will be "where do I want to go today"....
“ Considering that the NDP will never form a federal government as long as there's still some degree of sanity in Canada “ . Thank the gods for small mercies…..
I'll agree that it is well spoken by PP.
Still a politician though. He's playing to the direction of the wind like all the others.
Not long ago he was wanting to have input (control) of the B.O.C., raise pension plan age requirements and stop funding the CBC among other things.
I've said it before that I think PP is a small "d" page of DJT. Still think so.
Not that I think any of the others will not shift their speeches/moors to the prevailing winds, its just he rubs me the wrong way
Wish our leaders (Fed, Prov, Muni) would govern for the benefit of the people in our country and look ahead several years or even a decade or two when they are spending our tax dollars.
“ and stop funding the CBC “
I have a feeling that this one would require its own thread…… ;)
I’m Canadian, all I was pointing out was that the people you mentioned were standing behind Trump are also the same people that were standing behind Biden and Harris until Trump won, so why would you even mention them being behind Trump.
Apples and Apples.
You ought to go look at the amounts donated to Biden vs the amounts donated to DJT.
Wow! Big difference. I wonder why? Maybe they can curry more favorable "business" decisions from DJT than they could from JB.
Give a little, for them, gain a lot down the road.

This was sent to me. It was a FB post that is definitely a rant but he also tells it like it is, and like the majority of Alberta didn't support the so called 'Freedom Convoy' either. If colourful language offends you don't go any further. Our language checker may do some edits too.

Where the actual f*** are you now, you snivelling, cowardly, fake-patriot, truck-humping losers? Back in 2022, you absolute morons threw the biggest, most embarrassing temper tantrum in Canadian history over the mild inconvenience of a fucking mask and a fucking vaccine. You clogged Ottawa, blared your stupid fucking horns, harassed hardworking people, smeared your bullshit all over the Canadian flag, and pretended you were heroes. You cried your fucking eyes out about freedom while actively making life a living hell for everyone around you.

And now, when Canada is actually facing a real fucking crisis—when Donald fucking Trump is openly talking about annexing us, about turning Canada into the goddamn 51st state—where the f*** are you? Where the f*** is your self-righteous, chest-thumping, flag-waving outrage? Where the f*** is your big, tough “freedom convoy” now? Nowhere. Gone. You’ve all fucking disappeared. Crickets. There’s not a goddamn peep from you hypocritical, useless sacks of s**t.

And we all know exactly why. It’s because you want this. You want Canada to be turned into America Lite. You want Trump to steamroll over this country and drag us into his psychotic, fascist nightmare. You love that bloated, racist, rapist, orange, diaper-wearing c*** piece of s**t. You worship him like a fucking god because you’re not real Canadians—you’re nothing more than MAGA-wannabe, bootlicking, brainwashed sheep who would sell out your own country in a heartbeat just to feel closer to your big, strong American daddy.

Where’s all that energy you had when you were pissing yourselves over vaccine mandates? Where’s the fucking convoy now? Where are your “freedom” flags? Where’s your self-important bullshit about government tyranny? You were willing to cripple our own fucking economy over public health measures, but when an actual existential threat is looming over our country, you roll over and spread your fucking cheeks for Trump without so much as a whisper. You’d rather have Canada absorbed into the United States than live in a country that doesn’t cater to your ignorant, selfish, right-wing delusions.

You never gave a f*** about Canada. You never gave a f*** about freedom. You’re not patriots—you’re traitors. You’re weak, snivelling, cowardly little pissants who only throw a tantrum when it suits your selfish, toddler-brained narrative. When it came time to actually defend our nation, you fucking failed. You’re a disgrace to every single person who actually loves this country.

So go ahead, keep waving that Canadian flag like you haven’t completely disgraced it. Keep whining about how you’re the “real” Canadians while you sit there with your thumbs up your asses, doing absolutely nothing as a real authoritarian fuckstick threatens to take away our sovereignty. The rest of us see you for exactly what you are—spineless, cowardly, bootlicking, MAGA-slurping, traitorous fucking jokes.
Correct me if I'm wrong, which does happen
Did PP not support the truckers?
Correct me if I'm wrong, which does happen
Did PP not support the truckers?
My impression was that he supported their right to protest. Not necessarily how they went about it. No smart politician wants to alienate any potential voters but it’s obviously a fine line. The government was VERY heavy handed in their response for sure. As was determined by the following inquiry. Again it was essentially less than 2% calling the shots. An unfortunate circumstance no matter which side you were on.
You ought to go look at the amounts donated to Biden vs the amounts donated to DJT.
Wow! Big difference. I wonder why? Maybe they can curry more favorable "business" decisions from DJT than they could from JB.
Give a little, for them, gain a lot down the road.
Maybe you ought look a little deeper, I didn’t have to look to far to find this, I could look deeper but what’s the point, you Trump haters won’t change your minds even if it right in front of you, Harris blew all of 2 billion dollars on her campaign and most of that was collected before Biden was told to get out.
I don’t like what Trump is doing with the tariffs or the talk about Canada becoming the 51st state, but rest he is doing what he said he would do and that is what the people who vote for him wanted.
Oh by the way I’m Canadian first and foremost also with a British citizenship, not an American.


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Maybe you ought look a little deeper, I didn’t have to look to far to find this, I could look deeper but what’s the point, you Trump haters won’t change your minds even if it right in front of you
And with all I and others have already pointed out you still like the bastard!
My impression was that he supported their right to protest. Not necessarily how they went about it. No smart politician wants to alienate any potential voters but it’s obviously a fine line. The government was VERY heavy handed in their response for sure. As was determined by the following inquiry. Again it was essentially less than 2% calling the shots. An unfortunate circumstance no matter which side you were on.
I'm pretty sure he supported their reasons as well. He's always been a contrarian with his politics. Just says the opposite to what the government says. As do all opposition politicians of course.
Maybe you ought look a little deeper, I didn’t have to look to far to find this, I could look deeper but what’s the point, you Trump haters won’t change your minds even if it right in front of you, Harris blew all of 2 billion dollars on her campaign and most of that was collected before Biden was told to get out.
I don’t like what Trump is doing with the tariffs or the talk about Canada becoming the 51st state, but rest he is doing what he said he would do and that is what the people who vote for him wanted.
Oh by the way I’m Canadian first and foremost also with a British citizenship, not an American.
Wow.... once we are part of the US you may be a shoe in for a US cabinet position....
Wow.... once we are part of the US you may be a shoe in for a US cabinet position....
He can't! His parents weren't born in the U.S. ;)
I'll have to ask my cousin. Her and her husband are Canadians living in the U.S. I wonder if they became citizens before their kids were born there.
He can't! His parents weren't born in the U.S. ;)
I'll have to ask my cousin. Her and her husband are Canadians living in the U.S. I wonder if they became citizens before their kids were born there.
How the F would you know if me parents were not born in the US, all I said was I was Canadian and also a British citizen, you guys need to get back to talking about your corvettes and leave politics alone, enough said.
How the F would you know if me parents were not born in the US, all I said was I was Canadian and also a British citizen, you guys need to get back to talking about your corvettes and leave politics alone, enough said.
No disrespect but it seems to me that you were the one saying that you joined the forum to get information on Corvettes. There are many other threads available on here that you could view and save yourself the aggravation of dealing with the comments on this one….there is a reason why these sorts of topics are kept separate from the main theme of the site . Just saying.
How the F would you know if me parents were not born in the US, all I said was I was Canadian and also a British citizen, you guys need to get back to talking about your corvettes and leave politics alone, enough said.
It was a joke A-hole! Referring to Trump trying to change the constitution illegally! It wasn't an attack on you! Geez! Get a life!
It was a joke A-hole! Referring to Trump trying to change the constitution illegally! It wasn't an attack on you! Geez! Get a life!
No but calling me an A-Hole is, it’s not me that needs to get a life, the only reason I’m responding to your insults, is I keep getting emails., if you stop replying insults, I can forgot you even exist and then I won’t need to respond.
No but calling me an A-Hole is, it’s not me that needs to get a life, the only reason I’m responding to your insults, is I keep getting emails., if you stop replying insults, I can forgot you even exist and then I won’t need to respond.
I called you that because you responded that way. Instead of seeing what I said, you chose to see it as something else. You see what you want to see. So don't respond. It was an attack on Trump and not on you. Enough? Sure, quit replying.

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