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I don't know if I'm more angry or more disappointed!

A simple Happy Birthday in an email and phone message warrants a visit from the local constabulary?

Give me a freakin' break.

How the hell could I have been so stupid and naive to misjudge someone as badly as I did? -- and why on earth is it so hard to let this ridiculous situation go? -- maybe my wedding vows meant something to me.

I am so angry with myself I can hardly think straight.:mad:

Sorry to burden you guys again with this, but I really don't know where else to turn. --

Don't mind me, I'm just having a bad morning....... I know: I should just count my blessings and go on. I am, in fact, one of the luckiest guys in the world after all is said and done.

Have I missed something here Colin? Something has obviously pi$$ed you off but I can't find anything to tell me why? Hope you have a better day!
Yeah, I'm probably not the easiest one to live with at times but by God it's sure as hell not all me.
I hate to say it but I've all but given up on the opposite sex.
After 60 odd years of trying it's just way too much for me to handle.

Thanks for the kind thoughts guys......Navion, it's a long, long story starting with Margaret leaving in May. And I've not heard BOO (from her) since.
Just wish me well.:D

Hang in there Colin. It will get better with time. I'm rooting for you.
Good morning Colin,

I'll share this with you and everyone else. One of the greatest professional mentors in my life was Garry Coy who at the time I first met him was the regional soil specialist for Alberta Agriculture. He was transferring his position from Fairview to Spirit River which was a good part of the reason why I applied for and was lucky enough to get the job that I had for about 16 years prior to my returning to Grimshaw. Garry and I worked together in the same office for about three years as I recall, he then left to work for the Canola Council, Monsanto and a few other companies. When possible we continued to work together and Garry was able to send work my way on several occasions which helped me with my work. Garry eventually left and divorced his wife.

When I got married myself Garry was onwe of the few people I invited to the wedding - I didn't do the inviting the distance cousins BS as I elected to only invite those people that had made a real influence in my life.

Garry eventually moved to Calgary where he remarried, just before or after Christmas one eyar. Within weeks she left him.

I was lucky enough to be going to Calgary for a meeting and when I learned I had a few hours before my flight left I contacted Garry and he met me at the airport and we went to a bar and had a few drinks and I laughed so much.

Garry walked with me to my departing gate and we hugged and I boarded my flight, this was a Tuesday I think.

That Friday, Garry killed himself. The reason why? Apparently his ex filed a restraiing order against him and he saw her that week in the parking lot and honked his horm and waved at her. She (apparently) subsequently had him served with papers to have him charged with breaking that order on the Thursday night or Friday morning. He left humiliated.

I lost a dear friend.

It got worse if you can image. She had asked Garry to change his will and he never changed it after she left so she was the sole beneficiery of his estate. Worse yet, she had him cremated and there was no funeral and I don't even have a gravesite to visit.

Change your will too if you have not already done so, protect yourself please.

I'm not sure why I'm sharing this with you Colin, it just short of shocked me when you said how your ex responded to your birthday wishes. Sadly for whatever reason she has gone and moved on and so be it.

As brutal as it may be you need to have as little to do with her as possible. She has chosen her path and respect it and don't contact her again for your own piece of mind. I am not sure how women are able to do this, my ex did the same to me. I felt used for 7 years and then she just disposed of me so easily. It hurt.

But now I am in a much happier place in my life. I give thanks daily that if she was unhappy being married to me she left when she did and did not continue to lie to me any longer. It took me a bit of time, the divorce was bitter but I am so much happier now in my life now that she is gone. Never again. Sadly for my current gf I will never be able to put myself out there emotionally like I did when I was married, I can't see myself doing that again anyway.

You're a good person Colin and if your ex couldn't see that it is her loss.

I know that my world is better having had the experience to have met you when I was down this year and you are a decent, giving and generous person, perhaps to a fault even! I so very much enjoyed meeting you and the time we spend enjoying our cars together. I laugh when I read your posts and comments here (perhaps except for this one!) and all I can say to you is that better times are coming for you!

Focus on everything that is good and right in your life, all those that care for you and of course your bevy of beauties in your garage!!

For all the goodness in your life that I can wish you to have as a friend and until we cross paths again on the road...............

Your friend and with hugs!!

before i met helen 12 years ago i had some pretty dismal and bizarre experiences with women. it got to the stage where i used to joke with my buddies that i would just find a woman that hated my guts......and buy her a house !!! :rofl: it may sound cliche but sometimes we have to wade through pile after pile of crap to get to where we want to be in life.
I hear you guys -- and thanks.

I'm just having a difficult time since I'm not a 'quitter'.

This looks to be a good time to start.

As many have shared this really hurts -- but as you may be glad to hear from me: It's not the end of the world; Just a bump in the road.

Good morning Colin,

Another bright and sunny day dawns for us all.

It is not a case of being a quitter but just biding your time to finding a starter instead! Honestly I say enjoy it. While I do currently enjoy the relationship I am in I also, being the introvert I am, enjoy being alone. Just having myself (and of course my son) to think about and plan around and being able to come and go and choose what I want to do that day without having to include anyone else in my plans was sort of nice after being married for 5 years. For example, when we went to Europe having to go with my ex everywhere she wanted to go and not, for example, being able to go to my tank museums....... First trip to Europe after she left going to two tank museums for 8 days and it was glorious!

I say enjoy these times and take time for yourself and only then cast your line back into the waters. As much as I care for my current gf there are times when I wish that my life was as open as it was previously. I love having her in it but I miss the 100% freedom sometimes too.

There is no doubt that it is much better now that we no longer are living together, that was a mistake for the time for sure. Again maybe a case of needing space and time alone??

Hope you're getting some roof-off weather for the C4 still!!!! I keep thinking 5 more weeks if I'm lucky then the Z06 goes into the garage..........


Hi Colin, you know personally that my thoughts and heart are with you. Just thought I'd add the following to help put a moment of a smile on your face. All my best to you

Confucius Say.

It's ok to let a fool kiss you,

but don't let a kiss fool you.

Confucius Say.

A kiss is just shopping upstairs

for downstairs merchandise.

Confucius Say.

It is better to lose a lover

than love a loser.

Confucius Say.

Man with a broken condom

is called a Daddy

Confucius Say.

Man who mix Viagra and Ex-Lax,

Wow! I haven't been on the forum for in awhile.
Hang in there buddy. It will get better. Everything the other guys here have said are true...and heartfelt. There are some weird/dark times, but it DOES get better. Trust me. Enjoy your hobby, friends amd family right now. It will help.

Sent from my SGH-I747M using Tapatalk 2
Hi Colin, you know personally that my thoughts and heart are with you. Just thought I'd add the following to help put a moment of a smile on your face. All my best to you

Confucius Say.

It's ok to let a fool kiss you,

but don't let a kiss fool you.

Confucius Say.

A kiss is just shopping upstairs

for downstairs merchandise.

Confucius Say.

It is better to lose a lover

than love a loser.

Confucius Say.

Man with a broken condom

is called a Daddy

Confucius Say.

Man who mix Viagra and Ex-Lax,

confucius also say "man who go through airport turnstile sideways.....going to bangkok"

if we're going to start a confucius say gag, here are my submissions

Confucius say: it is good to meet girl in park, it is better to park meat in girl
Confucius say: if you run into your ex on the street, just shift into reverse and keep going.
Confucius say: procrastination is like masturbation, it feels good until you realize you're just screwing yourself
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