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Featured 1966 / First Post

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Good evening! Never a bad day to own a 1966 Vette! My grandfather purchased this car when I was 4 years old. He told me when he bought the car it was for me, so he recently gifted it to me now that I’m 34. He wanted to see me enjoy it. He raised me and now I’m taking care of him. Circle of life. He’s not doing the greatest, so I can’t ask him every question id like and I’m not sure he knows.

Anyways I love this car. Just recently started driving it about a month ago. I am far from a mechanic! Had it quickly gone through as it hasn’t been drove for 10 plus years. Changed oil, tires, brakes, and a few other things. It’s driving great besides a mis when first starting in each gear, minor alignment issues, and needs a parking break. Could use a paint job, but it’s really just a driver I believe. I could dump tons of money in it, but it’s still a 327.

My Papaw told me it was all original. I’m assuming not every single thing, because it has a tape player in it for instance (that doesn’t work).
- How can I figure out for sure?

I’m going to put a stereo from:

As I already have one on a 1972 Chevy C10 I own and like the quality of the radio and how it attempts to look old. I do not have a jack behind the seat, so I believe I’m going to have a custom box to fit directly in there to put either 2 6x9s or 6.5s and possibly still have the cover on top for car shows (haven’t even measured yet). I don’t want to cut anything at all. Just add to and maybe secure it.

Anyone done any of this? Any tips? Any first time Corvette owner tips? I just purchased a repo owners manual from amazon just so I could figure out simple things.

I’m actually not Canadian either, but this was the coolest forum app available. Hopefully y’all don’t mind.


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@airborneJustin welcome to the forum. Great introduction and story.

Thanks for sharing the pics of your new Corvette. Take good care of your grandfather. :thumbs:
Good evening! Never a bad day to own a 1966 Vette! My grandfather purchased this car when I was 4 years old. He told me when he bought the car it was for me, so he recently gifted it to me now that I’m 34. He wanted to see me enjoy it. He raised me and now I’m taking care of him. Circle of life. He’s not doing the greatest, so I can’t ask him every question id like and I’m not sure he knows.

Anyways I love this car. Just recently started driving it about a month ago. I am far from a mechanic! Had it quickly gone through as it hasn’t been drove for 10 plus years. Changed oil, tires, brakes, and a few other things. It’s driving great besides a mis when first starting in each gear, minor alignment issues, and needs a parking break. Could use a paint job, but it’s really just a driver I believe. I could dump tons of money in it, but it’s still a 327.

My Papaw told me it was all original. I’m assuming not every single thing, because it has a tape player in it for instance (that doesn’t work).
- How can I figure out for sure?

I’m going to put a stereo from:

As I already have one on a 1972 Chevy C10 I own and like the quality of the radio and how it attempts to look old. I do not have a jack behind the seat, so I believe I’m going to have a custom box to fit directly in there to put either 2 6x9s or 6.5s and possibly still have the cover on top for car shows (haven’t even measured yet). I don’t want to cut anything at all. Just add to and maybe secure it.

Anyone done any of this? Any tips? Any first time Corvette owner tips? I just purchased a repo owners manual from amazon just so I could figure out simple things.

I’m actually not Canadian either, but this was the coolest forum app available. Hopefully y’all don’t mind.

What an intro. Welcome to CCF.
Good evening! Never a bad day to own a 1966 Vette! My grandfather purchased this car when I was 4 years old. He told me when he bought the car it was for me, so he recently gifted it to me now that I’m 34. He wanted to see me enjoy it. He raised me and now I’m taking care of him. Circle of life. He’s not doing the greatest, so I can’t ask him every question id like and I’m not sure he knows.

Anyways I love this car. Just recently started driving it about a month ago. I am far from a mechanic! Had it quickly gone through as it hasn’t been drove for 10 plus years. Changed oil, tires, brakes, and a few other things. It’s driving great besides a mis when first starting in each gear, minor alignment issues, and needs a parking break. Could use a paint job, but it’s really just a driver I believe. I could dump tons of money in it, but it’s still a 327.

My Papaw told me it was all original. I’m assuming not every single thing, because it has a tape player in it for instance (that doesn’t work).
- How can I figure out for sure?

I’m going to put a stereo from:

As I already have one on a 1972 Chevy C10 I own and like the quality of the radio and how it attempts to look old. I do not have a jack behind the seat, so I believe I’m going to have a custom box to fit directly in there to put either 2 6x9s or 6.5s and possibly still have the cover on top for car shows (haven’t even measured yet). I don’t want to cut anything at all. Just add to and maybe secure it.

Anyone done any of this? Any tips? Any first time Corvette owner tips? I just purchased a repo owners manual from amazon just so I could figure out simple things.

I’m actually not Canadian either, but this was the coolest forum app available. Hopefully y’all don’t mind.

Welcome to the forum airborne. Great intro.
Welcome @airborneJustin the car looks great. Nothing wrong with a driver and nothing wrong with keeping it a good driver as it's probably more valuable that way.

For originality, do you have any original paper work that goes with the car, like an order form, Maroney/window sticker, or the like? Does the car have the RPO label? You can go through the codes and see what correlates.

To be thorough you'd want to check with a Corvette expert like NCRS.

From what I see it looks like it has a a Stinger hood from a 1967 big block.

The stereo looks like a fun project. Unless you have a specific audio goal in mind, I'd recommend keeping it as simple as will meet your goal which will also help make it less intrusive to the car. I'd definitely go for the Bluetooth unit as you'll be able to pair a phone, will continue to work with newer phones, and you don't have to worry about headphone dongle or cable compatibility. Hertz makes some pretty good speakers for the price, good value for performance. The smaller Kicker amp is probably good starting place and will be easier to hide than the larger amps, it might struggle to drive the 6x9s at full volume and clarity, but should work well for more casual listening. The Hertz DPower4 amp is about the same size as the JL Audio but a bit cheaper.
Welcome @airborneJustin the car looks great. Nothing wrong with a driver and nothing wrong with keeping it a good driver as it's probably more valuable that way.

For originality, do you have any original paper work that goes with the car, like an order form, Maroney/window sticker, or the like? Does the car have the RPO label? You can go through the codes and see what correlates.

To be thorough you'd want to check with a Corvette expert like NCRS.

From what I see it looks like it has a a Stinger hood from a 1967 big block.

The stereo looks like a fun project. Unless you have a specific audio goal in mind, I'd recommend keeping it as simple as will meet your goal which will also help make it less intrusive to the car. I'd definitely go for the Bluetooth unit as you'll be able to pair a phone, will continue to work with newer phones, and you don't have to worry about headphone dongle or cable compatibility. Hertz makes some pretty good speakers for the price, good value for performance. The smaller Kicker amp is probably good starting place and will be easier to hide than the larger amps, it might struggle to drive the 6x9s at full volume and clarity, but should work well for more casual listening. The Hertz DPower4 amp is about the same size as the JL Audio but a bit cheaper.


My plan is to go with the higher end Hertz, the Audison low profile 10, and the Audison 5 channel amp. Just didn’t know if I wanted the 6x9s or some 6.5s with tweeters. I’ll have to look through paperwork to see if I have anything you’re talking about. Where would the RPO label be?
You already caught that the hood is different, so that’s what I was needing. I really think I’m just going to make this car mine. Meaning change breaks and such to make it safer. Stereo of course (without cutting). Change to LED lights. I go to a few local car shows each year, but nothing big. I might as well just make it mine and enjoy for life, right?
Welcome to the forum @airborneJustin. Fantastic of your grandfather to have gifted this incredible classic to you. Secret audio is another brand you may wish to investigate. It hides entirely and is remote operable with bluetooth. Enjoy that beautiful ride!
That is a wonderful story airborne - gave me a small lump in the throat. I am the grandfather (Papa) to 6 so your relationship strikes home. Take really good care of the old boy especially in this time of COVID, he will need your support and protection. The red C2 is a beautiful car and with some tender, loving care will serve you well as a regular driver. I sure like the music theme in the garage!

My plan is to go with the higher end Hertz, the Audison low profile 10, and the Audison 5 channel amp. Just didn’t know if I wanted the 6x9s or some 6.5s with tweeters. I’ll have to look through paperwork to see if I have anything you’re talking about. Where would the RPO label be?
You already caught that the hood is different, so that’s what I was needing. I really think I’m just going to make this car mine. Meaning change breaks and such to make it safer. Stereo of course (without cutting). Change to LED lights. I go to a few local car shows each year, but nothing big. I might as well just make it mine and enjoy for life, right?

Totally agree. Do the upgrades and make it your own. I may be mistaken on this but pretty sure there was no RPO label on the 66. You can derive some info from the Vin # and engine block stamp.

My plan is to go with the higher end Hertz, the Audison low profile 10, and the Audison 5 channel amp. Just didn’t know if I wanted the 6x9s or some 6.5s with tweeters. I’ll have to look through paperwork to see if I have anything you’re talking about. Where would the RPO label be?
You already caught that the hood is different, so that’s what I was needing. I really think I’m just going to make this car mine. Meaning change breaks and such to make it safer. Stereo of course (without cutting). Change to LED lights. I go to a few local car shows each year, but nothing big. I might as well just make it mine and enjoy for life, right?

Totally agree. Do the upgrades and make it your own. I may be mistaken on this but pretty sure there was no RPO label on the 66. You can derive some info from the Vin # and engine block stamp.

@Rruff Day
Could you possibly tell me how to derive that info? Websites above or another way?
Welcome airborneJustin. You're a proud owner of a C2! Your car is fabulous! How wonderful of your Grandpa to pass it down to you. He must know you'll love and cherish it as he has. Or more. Maybe one day you'll even gift it to your son or grandson?

Attaching two pages (top/bottom) from the Corvette Black Book. The 1966 section. We have a C1 and two C2s and this has been a nice quick go-to over the years to look stuff up. No doubt this is also online, but I like old school. Grab it if you come across one of these little books at a swap meet one day.

Agreed - get it running well and make sure it's safe. I'm certain you'll start meeting some car guys (and girls) in your area who have experience with carbs and classic/vintage stuff. Anyone who's ever had and loved an old vette will impart a lot of wisdom if it's something you want to learn. They also often still have parts around - or know someone who does. You'd be surprised what's floating around in people's garages and basements.

Most importantly ~ enjoy your car every nice day till it snows!!


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My plan is to go with the higher end Hertz, the Audison low profile 10, and the Audison 5 channel amp. Just didn’t know if I wanted the 6x9s or some 6.5s with tweeters. I’ll have to look through paperwork to see if I have anything you’re talking about. Where would the RPO label be?
You already caught that the hood is different, so that’s what I was needing. I really think I’m just going to make this car mine. Meaning change breaks and such to make it safer. Stereo of course (without cutting). Change to LED lights. I go to a few local car shows each year, but nothing big. I might as well just make it mine and enjoy for life, right?

For the RPO label, @Rruuff Day is right, some quick Google searching says the RPO was on the window sticker prior to 1967, and then they started putting it on the gas tank.

Sounds like a good mix with the audio. Components (6.5" with separate tweeter) are generally better than 6x9s (and other coaxials), though I'd question the effectiveness of components over the 6x9s with the mounting location, since they will be behind the seat and presumably directed up, so won't image well. That said, a component in a custom enclosure with the tweeters mounted next to the mid would look good.
Respectfully disagree with OneTrueChevyGirl - Vettes in the snow is part of the fun of ownership. Get a set of wheels and snow tires and go for it. Winter driving is enjoyable as long as we avoid the 12 inch storms!

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I'm impressed - you are damn brave!! Lets hope your wife doesn't have to help wash it!?! I see you're in Ontario... tell me this picture wasn't taken yesterday? I know... not that funny.
I'm impressed - you are damn brave!! Lets hope your wife doesn't have to help wash it!?! I see you're in Ontario... tell me this picture wasn't taken yesterday? I know... not that funny.
Hmmm - brave may be the wrong descriptor, my wife thinks it starts with the letter S. But it sure is fun. The Michelin winter tires have amazing traction.

airborneJustin should probably wait a few years before installing the snow tires.

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