2020 stingray pricing

  1. EJChevy

    2020 Corvette Order Guide Update: More Accessories

    Yesterday, GM updated the order guide for the 2020 Corvette. They added the following accessories: (RWU) Cargo area organizer, collapsible, Genuine Corvette Accessory. (RYT) First Aid Kit, Genuine Corvette Accessory. (S08) Highway Safety Kit, Genuine Corvette Accessory. (5ZC) Jake logo wheel...
  2. T

    C8 Prices in the US Revealed

    The following are prices for the C8 in the US 1LT $59,995 2LT $67,295 3LT $71,945 Z51 $5,000 Front Lift $1,495 Quite a big spread between the 1LT and 2LT. Likely add $10,000 to the base in CAN dollars.