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Finally got my Z06 steering wheel installed. I had tried myself 2 weeks ago and couldn't get the bolt off even with help from a friend. Tried an impact gun, socket set, and a breaker bar with no luck.

Took it to the dealership, they couldn't get it either. Ended up stripping it and ordering a new bolt. Had to drill out the old bolt. I didn't enjoy getting a phone call at work asking how attached I was to the stock steering wheel or if they could damage/break it. I was relieved to hear and see though they did manage to get it out with out damaging anything.

Here it is:

Just a simple pic I took when I was picking it up. You know what they look like so I'm not worrying about getting proper lighting haha.

Also, question. Should I look into selling my stock wheel, or should I keep it to include it in resale for future buyer? If I trade to a dealer they might want it stock.
