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There have been two documented cases of cats eating their deceased owner that I could find . One , a woman in NEW York who died a few weeks before she was found . She had 20 cats . The other was in Russia but I would tend to forgive those cats lol . Survival instinct . Im sure you have heard of the Donner Party ? also came across this .....                                                        Second, before you go and hug your dog now that you’ve realized that your cat could eat you if you die – not so fast!! A Google Scholar search for “postmortem injuries pets” led to a deep dive into the world of forensic sciences where indoor pets do occasionally eat their deceased human. This deep dive revealed that perhaps your dog has evolved to love you, but he won’t think twice about eating your body after you die and he’s trapped with your body – EVEN IF HE’S NOT HUNGRY!! Dogs have been found shortly after a human’s death, with a full bowl of food and a stomach full of human flesh. Side note: there was even a golden hamster who indulged in some postmortem tasting of his respective human.                                                                                Macabre to say the least . There , settled once and for all .
