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No. Carlos is definitely a great guitar player. I was in Zihuantanejo for an international guitar festival a number of years ago and hired a driver to take my wife and I a few hours inland to a town name Paracho. It is famous for how many luthiers the town has and the quality of their guitars. The main street is lined with small two room buildings where they both hand build and sell from. Of course I was in my glory and went into as many as I had time for. I walked into one and was in the back room talking to the luthier in my broken tourista spanish and he handed me a gorgeous guitar. I perched it on my hip and played a little and he kept motioning me to sit in his chair. I said no, I'm ok like this and he opened a drawer and pulled out a picture of himself and Carlos Santana who was sitting in his chair with one of his guitars. I said... yes. I will sit in your chair. And yes. I bought one of his guitars and when I got back to Zihua, I had it signed by all the artists playing that year at the festival.

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