Wiring question

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77 Corvette L82
Hey guys.

So I decided to take my lower dash off and finally fix my tach. It's a bear trying the get that dash back in nicely but I rather enjoyed working on the tach and calibrating it.

Now I've got the dash back and the steering colum and I noticed two connectors that aren't plugged in and I can't find any information on them.

One has been unplugged since I got the car and I never bothered with it but now I'm curious. It's pink with a clear plastic connector. It looks to me like it's for the cruise control (which I don't have hooked up).

The other connector has one solid orange wire and a pink/black wire. I can't for the life of me, remember if it was hooked up before. I feel like it was because I only remember that pink wire not being hooked up. The orange and pink/black connector is only about 6inches long and it's comming from the firewall not the interior fuse.

Lastly my driver side courtesy light's contacts have come off. Just curious how I can hook that white wire back up, or if I should just buy a new light socket.

Any help would be appreciated!


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Hi Jr...
What did you have to do to repair your tach?
Mine('75) quit working over last winter.
I'm hoping it is just a ground connection maybe corroded..?
I have thought that if I drop the column and the dash I might as well install a new tach circuit board.
Is that route you took?

I don't remember those specific wires under my dash but the next time I pull the C3 out I'll have a look.
I can go thru my wiring diagrams too.

You might be able to carefully get that connector out of the plastic housing and strip/resolver.
Good luck.

Wish I could offer some help but you have my absolute respect for undertaking the project. Wiring can be such a PIA but oh so rewarding when it all works. Good luck with it.
Hi Jr...
What did you have to do to repair your tach?
Mine('75) quit working over last winter.
I'm hoping it is just a ground connection maybe corroded..?
I have thought that if I drop the column and the dash I might as well install a new tach circuit board.
Is that route you took?

I don't remember those specific wires under my dash but the next time I pull the C3 out I'll have a look.
I can go thru my wiring diagrams too.

You might be able to carefully get that connector out of the plastic housing and strip/resolver.
Good luck.


I had to buy a whole new tach board. That is the route I took. Pulling the steering colum and lower dash. Then I had to make sure the tach was zeroed so that it read accurately. What I did was just unbolt the two bolts in the rag gear, two in the firewall, and the two holding the steering column up and it pulls right out!

Thanks! I would really appreciate it!

Ya I was trying to push it out but it didn't seem to want to budge. I'll try it again today and see if I can.
Hi Jr...
What did you have to do to repair your tach?
Mine('75) quit working over last winter.
I'm hoping it is just a ground connection maybe corroded..?
I have thought that if I drop the column and the dash I might as well install a new tach circuit board.
Is that route you took?

I don't remember those specific wires under my dash but the next time I pull the C3 out I'll have a look.
I can go thru my wiring diagrams too.

You might be able to carefully get that connector out of the plastic housing and strip/resolver.
Good luck.


Hey Guys. Just found out that those wires I showed you are actually both part of the kickdown switch harness. I had been hooking it up how the previous owner had it hooked up from 4 years ago. I guess that would be why it never worked!!!!!!!!! It would still be nice if anybody has a picture of that witing diagram so I can get it hooked up and working.

As for that light socket I was able to take it apart to an extent but it had been crimped so tightly that I couldn't unbend the connections. There is a local corvette shop here in Calgary called Western Corvette. I was in there today looking for some glass for my drivers window which he can get me brand new for what it costs US, without the shipping cost!! Anyway, I showed him the light socket and he went in the back and came out with a used one and GAVE
it to me for free!!! Great guys there. They made my day!
Good info on the wiring... glad you found the connections.
My books would be for a '75 Vette so it may not be the same for a '77.

Great to hear Lawrence(Western) came thru with glass and a lamp socket for you.
I've known him for many years.


Really?! Oh cool!!

Actually it was his son Jason that helped me out but Lawrence has also helped me out in the past.
Sorry i missed this thread till now. I have a full wiring diagram for a 73 and a 75 in pdf form. I am not sure how a 75 and 77 differ but I will post it up anyway. 73 is a bit different due to the tach not being elect. Hope this can help the next person, or at least the guys with '75's....


Great to hear about the help from Western Corvette! I enjoyed reading theough this thread. Keep up the good work!
Hi Jr...
What did you have to do to repair your tach?
Mine('75) quit working over last winter.
I'm hoping it is just a ground connection maybe corroded..?
I have thought that if I drop the column and the dash I might as well install a new tach circuit board.
Is that route you took?

I don't remember those specific wires under my dash but the next time I pull the C3 out I'll have a look.
I can go thru my wiring diagrams too.

You might be able to carefully get that connector out of the plastic housing and strip/resolver.
Good luck.



Hey guys.

So forget everything I said in the last post about that being for my kickdown switch. It isn't and I think I forgot because my kickdown has functioned correctly.

I pulled the steering wheel again to figure it out and I finally figured out the definitive answer. The extra clear connector with a pink wire is a spare ignition connection. So if you had something that needed to be on when the key was in the run position then that's the spare for you!

The kickdown switch is an orange and yellowish orange connector that has power and then goes directly to solenoid.

Next, that orange and pink/black connector, connects to your seatbelt timer and key warning buzzer. That would explain why my key warning and selt belt light and buzzer haven't been working!!!! Because I'm missing that connnection!!! It plugs right into the side of the fuse box into the clear connector.

I'm soooo happy I figured this out!!!! Literally shaking!

Thank you everyone for your ideas and suggestions! They are what lead me to figuring this out.


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Jr... thanx for the update...
Yesterday I went over 'T's electrical diagram many times looking for 'kick down' wiring.
I was stumped! I did find those wire colours associated with the sear belt warning switch.
I had thought maybe it was just different years '75 vs '77.
Thanx again for following up... it will help all us C3rs.
I'm glad you have it sorted out.

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