Wireless CarPlay for 2020?


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Hi guys
Do you think 2020 C8 will get software update for wireless Carplay? Or there will be hardware upgrade required?

So as I am not an Apple power user (Just upgraded to the new 11 PRO Max) can anyone tell me what additional features I would get with Apple Car Play? I already can access my playlist and my phone works just with the bluetooth. Do I need to have Car Play? Is it worth the $176.00 to buy this?
So as I am not an Apple power user (Just upgraded to the new 11 PRO Max) can anyone tell me what additional features I would get with Apple Car Play? I already can access my playlist and my phone works just with the bluetooth. Do I need to have Car Play? Is it worth the $176.00 to buy this?
Use the wired Apple CarPlay (standard in the car) and see if its something you like before you invest in the wireless adapter. It essentially mirrors you iPhone to the screen in the car. But not everything. Just do a YouTube search on it and you'll see what it can do.
I hear you on that one. I was a Blackberry Guy until the bitter end. Then jumped to the Nokia Microsoft Phone, which was great while it lasted. I went to Apple kicking and screaming believe you me.
I'm the same. I'm what's known as a "Phone Whore". I was a BlackBerry guy, then went to a bunch of different Android phones, then tried iPhone, then back to Android. Only reason I went back to iPhone is because everyone in my family has one and it just works. When everyone is on the same platform it makes some tasks very easy to manage. Plus when my kids were in high school they would always say all the cook people use iPhones.
I'm the same. I'm what's known as a "Phone Whore". I was a BlackBerry guy, then went to a bunch of different Android phones, then tried iPhone, then back to Android. Only reason I went back to iPhone is because everyone in my family has one and it just works. When everyone is on the same platform it makes some tasks very easy to manage. Plus when my kids were in high school they would always say all the cook people use iPhones.
Haha. Me too. I have a cell phone collection that goes back to the early 90's I have kept every phone I have had. except my car mounted ones that were bulky. My keeper is an original Motorola Startac in the original box.( Motorola StarTAC - Wikipedia ) I could and likely will donate to a museum when they become such relics of our bygone era. Like you I have to admit that once I did reluctantly go to Apple, it does just work. If the Blackberry guys did not get distracted trying to get an NHL team, they may have taken the Apple threat a little more seriously.
A friend had one of these.

It worked only in a very small area. I could never figure out why anyone needed one. LOL
I guess I was a little short sighted.
A friend had one of these.
View attachment 44031
It worked only in a very small area. I could never figure out why anyone needed one. LOL
I guess I was a little short sighted.
I had that one too. I also had the Microtac which was it's successor in about 89. All in, I must have about 40 phones in one of my lateral file drawers here. Starting of a hoarding episode I guess. haha.
I had that one too. I also had the Microtac which was it's successor in about 89. All in, I must have about 40 phones in one of my lateral file drawers here. Starting of a hoarding episode I guess. haha.
I didn't have the brick Motorola, but I did have the brick Nokia.
Okay fellas the CarPlay2Air dongle got an update a couple of weeks ago and I just got the chance to flash the update to my dongle. It would take forever to connect to the C8 before but once connected it worked great. I was hoping this new update would fix the connection issues and it did. It now connects quickly at startup just like my phone was plugged in. So if anyone wants wireless Apple CarPlay and was on the fence about this dongle you can now go for it.
Okay fellas the CarPlay2Air dongle got an update a couple of weeks ago and I just got the chance to flash the update to my dongle. It would take forever to connect to the C8 before but once connected it worked great. I was hoping this new update would fix the connection issues and it did. It now connects quickly at startup just like my phone was plugged in. So if anyone wants wireless Apple CarPlay and was on the fence about this dongle you can now go for it.
Sparro, which manufacturers product did you purchase? CPlay2Air? or another brand?
Thats correct CarPlay2Air. I can't comment on any of the many others out there.
If it doesn't have the latest software on it you need to go to while connected to update it (I used my daughters car because it always had a stable connection on it) and updated to the latest software.
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PSA: I also heard that in Android 11 Google was enabling wireless Android Auto on devices running that OS over wifi and not bluetooth like the dongles do, so there would be no need for a dongle. If it works with a wired solution, it will work wirelessly too. Apple should do the same.
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