dbakke Regular 2 You're 10 Jan 26, 2009 191 0 Saskatoon Saskatchewan VetteCoins 507 Oct 5, 2009 #1 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ulVtNdClhb8
LATNC5 Well-Known Member 2 You're 10 Jan 24, 2009 612 2 Saskatoon VetteCoins 555 Oct 6, 2009 #2 LOL...great vid. that one has been around for a while
ctdrl-1 Well-Known Member 2 You're 10 Jan 12, 2009 521 0 Saskatoon, Sask VetteCoins 598 Oct 7, 2009 #3 I cant understand why they would even bother?!?!?! It was a failure from the beginning, If i was checking to see if by truck could float like a boat I would stop when the first drops of water came in! Natural selection at its best. Brent
I cant understand why they would even bother?!?!?! It was a failure from the beginning, If i was checking to see if by truck could float like a boat I would stop when the first drops of water came in! Natural selection at its best. Brent