I'm sure Jeremiad will have some differing meat opinions. We all do, but this is my experience and assuming the animal is field dressed, cooled down as soon as possible and hung properly wild game is some of the best meat there is. Deer can sometimes be "gamey", especially if the fat is left on the meat; Elk is very tame and lean with little or no taste (other than the taste of meat...lol), Moose is by far my favorite, especially if it's a young moose. Bighorn sheep meat I can take or leave. A young ewe is excellent. A full curl ram is best spiced and smoked as it can taste nasty. Mountain goat is much like eating an old work boot (not that I have eaten a work boot). There was a time many years ago when I held out for a big set of antlers, horns, whatever but after a while I got tired of grinding a 12 year old moose into hamburger just so you could chew it...lol... Now if it has big horns, I let it go on it's merry way.... All except a whitetail.I am still looking for that elusive 190 whitetail deer....hehe....