What did you get for Father's Day, birthday, Christmas this year?

Got all I wanted. Spent the weekend with my son his wife and my grandchildren, six and three months.:Party:

Perfect weekend. :thumbs:
I went hammock camping with my son's Scout troop, it was Soap Box Derby weekend. They/we had a blast.

My oldest son and his wife gave me a Bear Grylls Ultimate Survival Knife. Daughter gave me a nice bottle of wine.

Spending time with the family is the best.
I got a smoker for father's day. Now I'm expected to make fantastic meals all the damn time! lol.
I have been smoking game meat, bacon, fish, cheese, pretty much anything I can think of for years J. Lots of great recipes out there but the two biggest rules.... Don't oversmoke.. Don't overheat.... pretty hard to go wrong after thoses two.... Good Luck....:thumbs:
I have a dual-fuel unit, so if I'm using the propane it is pretty easy to control the temperature. I haven't tried charcoal just yet, but it appears that when I use charcoal I don't use wood chips? So far it has been working out pretty well. I tried steaks on there just for fun that turned out rather well-done (it is misleading as the smoker makes the meat red), but I wouldn't call it a fail. Just really well done but not quite thick juicy jerky. lol. I did a 3.5 lb beef roast that turned out great, and then I got adventurous and did a 4 lb pork roast, two racks of beef ribs, and elk sausage all at the same time for a family gathering. Put them on at different times of course, but that turned out really good.
Well done. Well maybe not so well done.:Biggrin: Sounds like a bit of adventure but you will get it sorted out.:thumbs:

What does Elk taste like? Is it "gamey"?
I'm sure Jeremiad will have some differing meat opinions. We all do, but this is my experience and assuming the animal is field dressed, cooled down as soon as possible and hung properly wild game is some of the best meat there is. Deer can sometimes be "gamey", especially if the fat is left on the meat; Elk is very tame and lean with little or no taste (other than the taste of meat...lol), Moose is by far my favorite, especially if it's a young moose. Bighorn sheep meat I can take or leave. A young ewe is excellent. A full curl ram is best spiced and smoked as it can taste nasty. Mountain goat is much like eating an old work boot (not that I have eaten a work boot). There was a time many years ago when I held out for a big set of antlers, horns, whatever but after a while I got tired of grinding a 12 year old moose into hamburger just so you could chew it...lol... Now if it has big horns, I let it go on it's merry way.... All except a whitetail.I am still looking for that elusive 190 whitetail deer....hehe....
Thanks for the "meat" review Eric. I have had moose, which I did not mind and deer which as I recall did not have much flavour.

My problem is thinking of them before and after if you will, no issue with hunting as long as the meat gets used.

I was out for a walk a week ago and a pot belly pig followed the dogs and I home. It was without doubt someones pet at one time that they just dumped. It was around all day and it was very friendly. My wife and I were concerned it would not last the night with wolves and coyotes around and she finally found someone to come and try to catch him. As we found out not so easy. But we did manage to catch him after an hour and half and he is currently enjoying life (at least I hope so) on a farm just south of us.

We had thought about a "bacon and tomato sandwich festival" but just could not do it. Found out its name was Henry and once you put a name to it the rules of the game, at least for me, change.

Fascinating how these threads get taken off in another direction so easily! Sorry Nelson.:Cheers2:


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