VelocityYellowRules! luck continues...................


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2006 Z06
So OK, some of you might recall the thread I had almost two years ago to the date when I was going to get my son at school in Fairview and by the Whitelaw corner the fuel pump on the Z06 failed. Well oddly enough this summer going into the same corner on my way to get a lawn mower for my mother, I had the front right tire on my pickup blow but fair enough as it was pretty worn.

Well, today, on my way home from Fairview after I picked up my son, there was what I can only describe as a double explosion from the back of the car. All gauges appeared to be OK, the car didn't handly poorly or anything. Then there was a low tire pressure warning for the rear right. So I get out to take a look. No visable damage and the tire looks OK. I also remember looking in the rear view mirror as I thought I might have run over something but didn't see anything that had flown up.

So I continued on, I mean I've had false tire pressure warnings from time to time but just never following a bang like that.

Another mile or so and I can see that the tire pressure in actually dropping which it never did before - it was either at the normal pressure or read zero. I also started to feel the odd shift in stability. So I stop - 1 mile away from where the fuel pump failed two years ago! This time I can see that the tire has indeed gone flat. So call AMA and wait for the tow truck. Funny enough it ended up being the same guy that picked up the car two eyars ago too!!

Anyway, something sure happened. The tire appears intact. There are two chunks of that inner black plastic fenderwork that are missing and I mean like 4 by 4 inches in size! And a long crack at the top of that black fenderwork and a 1 inch crack in the bodywork at the front bottom edge of the fender.

I can't believe that the tire failed, they only have 14,000 km on them, the tires that Manny put on the car when he had it. It is not as if I am doing a lot of or any for that matter burnouts either.

I'll have to take some pictures to post once I get the tire removed.


1)I'm assuming that the tire should not be repaired???? Not that I plan on making a lot of speed runs in the car.

2)I wonder if the tires have a warrenty if indeed it did fail in some way prematurily??

My first thought was that to have caused that sort of damage that some pieces must have flown off the tire but as I said it appears intact. As well I don't think I drove over anything otherwise I'd have hit it with the front right tire first..................

That inner plastic piece will have to be replaced of course. Anyone ever tackled this before????? A bolt off, bolt on once the tire is removed??

I just love to share my wonderful stories with you all!!!!!! It sort of lessens the pain............


Wow Garry you always have the craziest happening in your life .

I would contact Michelin and see what they say . 14k failure for those tires is very unusual
Good evening gentlemen,

I'll see where the closest Michelin dealer is to me and inquire if they have some sort of warrenty. I have my invoices still kicking around in a file folder Manny so hopefully that will help. But I also have to wait until I get the tire off and to see if there is a puncture or a failure. I took as careful a look see as I could when the car was being hoisted onto the tow truck and couldn't see anything. My thought was that a piece or two of the tire had broken off and that is what made the holes and cracks in the fender liner but I'm not sure yet.

You're probably right, better to replace the tire than to repair it. No that I plan on hitting high speeds but..........I mean you don't see them slapping on a tire with a boot on a F1 car.

I hear some horrow stories about tire removal (the nuts) on these cars too - any comments or suggestions??

I ordered the inner fender plastic piece today and it should be here in 10 days. It was only $200 plus shipping too so that was not too bad.

Ya, never a dull moment in my life as much sometimes as I wish there was some!!


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That is crazy Garry, and I would suggest avoiding that road in the future! :D Glad nothing too drastic happened.

As for the back tire taking the brunt of damage and the front not getting anything, from my experience, it's usually the rears that take damage as whatever you are driving over is nice and flat when the front tire rolls over it and then kicks it up only to be caught by the rear tire (Such as that bolt I picked up last summer). So it may be possible something got kicked up by the front, caught by the rear tire and as it made it's way around the wheel well, punched a couple holes in the black liner.
All just a theory (If the rear tire doesn't appear to be missing anything) and I await to hear what you find with the tire off!
That was a brand new tire less than 2000 k on them but they were past their shelf life of 5 yr I bought them cheap ( lesson learned) . But it happened up the back straight at CTMP . I got to pit just in time before the whole tire rolled off the rim .
Foggy1, unbelieveable pictures of tire failure! I could see if that was the case the damage that occured but these were, I assume, fresh tires and with only 14k km I couldn't see them failingin that way. But I'll have to wait until I get teh tire off to take a proper look. It would explain the damage that happened very well.

Good evening Wayne, ya, never a dull moment for this kid. Like having the knife on the combine header break last night. Dull I need in a huge way! Tonight was replacing the fuel filter under the fuel tank on the combine and finding that it didn't address the power problem (behaving like fuel starvation) and forgetting that like my two earlier models of combines it has a tank and engine filters. So tomorrow morning after I drop my son off go and get the engine filter and see if that gets the combine running the way it should be. But on the plus side the wheat is dry.............

But I'm sad every morning recently when I go to the farm to work and to see my poor Z06 with a flat tire..............I can't wait for the chance to get around to removing and repairing it. But then again until the inner fender plastic piece arrives I'd rather not be driving the car anyway, especially down my 3/4 mile of gravel to get to the highway, even at 20 km/hr.


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So the weather is improving (it snowed Saturday morning!) and I need to get my mind onto this job. The fender piece should have been in last med week but no call so I'll have to prod them this morning and see if it has. Plus I need to order the tire this morning.......

Just wondering, in terms of wheel nut removal and jacking, are there any pitfalls, traps or tips anyone might care to share with me???

I understand that the wheel nuts can be difficult to get a socket onto, that a floorjack with either a hockey puck/piece of wood uner that brace between the rear tires is the place to jack from. Any suggests before I screw something up would be appreciated!!


For just pulling a tire off, you can jack in the "typical" jacking location just in front of the rear tire. If you look under the car, just inside (six inches in?) of the rocker panel, there should be an indent in the floor about the size of a hockey puck. The rocker panel actually has a bit of a cut out where this indent is. Anyway, if jacking, that is the point to use and use a puck on the jack so that the jack pad doesn't contact and crack the rocker panel.

Placing wood under the sub-frame in the back is for lifting both tires rear off the ground, if you wish to go that route. I can snap a couple pics of the C5. It's very similar to the C6.
Good morning Riley,

So the new fender insert arrived and has been picked up and the tire was ordered three days ago. I still can't find my darm floor jack though and may have to buy a new one. I was happy that the tow truck guy was able to unload the car with the flat tire on a 6 x 6 block to give it some lift and I'll give it a shot of air from the compressor to give it more, temporary lift, when I get ready to slide the jack under it.

By all means if it is no trouble, post some pictures of the C5 jacking point ahead of the rear tire. I may as well buy a hockey puck now too, I never played but it sounds like required equipment!!

I hope that the fender liner will not be too much trouble to change, a bunch of bolts it appears to be at this point in time...........


It's one thing to find a suitable jacking point for the car but it another to find a correct place to put jackstands..!
Do some research before you go 'under'.
I'll see if I can find some pics too.
I've seen the use of a 2x4 across the car under the rear, jack it in the middle of the 2x4, and then put jackstands outboard under the 2x4.
I use this method on the front of the car all the time.
You will need an extended reach jack to get to the proper rear jacking point using the above method.
An alternative is to jack ahead of the rear wheel from the side of the car(like Riley said) but also find a place to put a jackstand.

EDIT: I found a couple of videos that shows the rear subframe jacking point on a C5..
I hope it is similar to a C6.

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Super Graham! Thanks so much for the links!

CT has a 2 tonne floor jack on sale for $43 that I asked my gf to pick up and I sure made her laugh when I told her I needed a hockey puck as well for this job!!

No word from the tire store yet and I'm sure frieght comes in the morning. Then again Manny had trouble getting these tires too as I recall...........


By the way, I am suppose to use an actual hockey puck or is there such a thing as a "jacking puck" that just happens to look like a hockey puck??????????
Garry.. The 'puck' can be anything about that size.
Vendors sell them as sets of four made of aluminum, plastic, metal, etc. with a 'hook' on then so they can be 'twist-locked' into the tie down holes under the rocker panels.
You can use a hockey puck on the saddle of your jack to prevent the jack from contacting the body of the car that rolls under at the rocker panels.
If you look at the jacking points you will see an area where the body is cut away...that is where the 'puck' will sit.
I made my own.(see attached pic)

Ensure the new jack you purchase can go low enough to get under the car.. usually less than 4".
(I'm making all these recommendations assuming a C6 is similar to my C5 in jacking heights, locations and rocker panel details..YMMV)
be safe.

Garry get the pucks with the Leafs logo on them. You cannot get anything lower than those.:D
Thanks everyone for the input, suggestions and fellowship - great on this site as always! The humour is terrific too!!

My gf brought home the jack and puck last night but I have not examined it yet. Plus as the tire store has not called yet I'm not in a made rush.

And after it snowed last Saturday the canola is finally getting dry enough to combine so I'll have to get my head back into the farming game........


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