Feb 10, 2009
Saskatoon SK
1969 Convertible
Hey guys,

The weather on Saturday is supposed to be quite nice. Who would be interested in taking a trip to the Valley Kruzers Show & Shine at the Warman High School (goes from 11am to 4pm)? There are door prizes, a concession, a muffler rapping contest and more. There's a $5 per car registration fee, which goes to charity.

I'm thinking we can meet for breakfast somewhere in the city (maybe McDonlads on 51st and Millar) and then all drive out together Saturday morning.

We can talk more about at the Thursday GTG.
Dang it! I have a tractor show out in Rosetown. Trying to get money for our team, and how often can you hang out with old timers that were there when all that old stuff was made?
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