Thursday GTG March 12th 6:30; Fox & Hounds.

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Ran into George on monday am, he's the Big guy with the Bright Red C5 that dropped by a few times last fall. I told him where we were meeting and Ithink he may stop by thursday nite! Do any of you know his full name to give him a call?
Ill go to the fox ^^ but how the heck am i suppose to know who im looking for ....
other than a bunch of guys playing with hot wheels at the table lol
that all i need to do is walk in to the fox and see a 1/3rd scale poster of a corvette with a big arrow pointing at the table lol might have to drink at the bar hehehe
I don't think I will have time to make a sign. How about I just do an interpretive dance? Or better yet, just look for the table where all the ladies want to be at. We'll be at the opposite side of the lounge....ok, I'll be at the opposite side of the lounge...hahaha, chicks.
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