They want to make a $60k profit.

Reaction score
Little red 2020 C8
These people must think I'm crazy!
I got this email from Williamson's Chevrolet

It's the free market. They are free to offer you a low ball number and you are free to say "go jump in the lake". That being said I would offer as high as $68k if you can guarantee delivery by the weekend.
Dealers will throw out fishing lines anyway they can, 3rd party emails, the famous inventory of cars they have through kijiji, autotrader etc only to be told those are all sold units
I don't think there is any deceit behind it. The dealers own the cars by contract with GM and in return the customer does by contract, but not until the contract is fulfilled. Until then the car shows as stock since the dealers have software hooks into those car sales sites. Still it doesn't hurt the dealer and does work like fishing expeditions.
Takes a seller to sell it for that price and a buyer to buy it at the matkup.
I’d have to think that “genius” in that dealership stands a better chance
of being struck twice by lightning under the same tree two weeks apart in different storms.
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Ok great. We can play this game too.
Go in , offer to sell for that( saying due to health reasons), have them inspect and write up contract with incentives.
AS You are about to sign the paper, walk away.
It`s called the art of haggling.
Great Utube vid.
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