Harrison's BC & NW Wash. Event Schedule is now available on-line at
For those of you who aren't familiar with this resource, let me explain. Every year, for at least the last 12 years, L. Harrison has published a list of every car show, show & shine, swap meet, and cruise-in scheduled for the coming calender year in British Columbia, Washington, Oregon (Portland at least) and sometimes fringing into Alberta.
It used to be that the list, which is published in January each year, was usually only distributed through members of car clubs. But now any one can access the list, with current updates and deletions, on-line.
I notice I've already missed the annual Corvette & HiPo Show & Swap, Feb 7-8, Puyallup, Washington. :swear:
Anybody reading this thread make it to that one?
While you're at it, check out the website for the British Columbia Hot Rod Association.:coolgleam: