Old Timer
Aug 5, 2011
Cambridge ON
2006 vert, 1994 vert
After a long, hard, but very entertaining life, Stompin' (Charles Thomas) Connors has passed away at the age of 77 in his home in Halton Hills.

A very entertaining and patriotic Canadian.
Rest in Peace, Tom -- thanks for all the good times..
sad to hear, a genuine canadian icon for sure. back in the early mid sixties when tom lived in peterborough, he and a friend of mine often played together. quite some stories. later on when he moved to the erin area, his daughter and the daughter of another of my friends went to school together. my friend said tom had become quite the gentleman farmer. it was always fun in the mid seventies to catch the show at the horseshoe tavern. tom will be missed.
After having met Tom, all I can say is he was a true country gentleman. While going door to door spraying driveways out around Erin, we knocked on a door and who should answer but Tom. We ended up spraying his drive and after he invited us in for a few beers. When we were leaving I asked for an autograph and this is the results.


Back then everyone called me Bob and that what he wrote. He also gave me one of his 3000 year calendars and here it is.



I have great memories of the great times after that first meeting.
Rest in peace Tom, you will be truly missed.
Hey good stuff Rob -- I had no idea you knew him so well and chummed with him back in the day ...... cool.

The 3000 year calendar is cool too. I look forward to seeing it when you come in May. Great mementos of a great person for sure.

RIP Tom.

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