Happy Birthday. Langley, B.C. We sold our silver '69 L78 Chevelle to Rick P. who also lives in Langley. He also has a nice red and white street/race big block, tubbed '55 Chev. You know him at all? He has spent a fair bit of time at the Mission Raceway over the years. It is a small world and you never know who knows who. Back in the mid '70s I sold a '69 Malibu to a local guy, then he drove the car out west and never came back. He lives just up the street from Rick but doesn't have the old Malibu any more.
Gentlemen.... thanx for the birthday wishes.. Much appreciated.
Keith... I looked for your buddy and his cars at the Langley Cruise-in a couple of months ago. We'll run into each other somewhere I'll bet.. Possibly Timmies Friday nites.
Colin.. The weather here has turned this past few days. The Corvettes are parked and the Monte SS will be put away in a week.. Snow flurries may arrive tomorrow nite.. That will shut this city down... We're not used to it or prepared here for that white stuff.
Thanx guys...

Weather Update.!!!! 21:30
45 mins later.... Snowing NOW!...lawns are covered...roads next!!!

Weather Update!!!! 22:00
Roads are white in the subdivision!!!!

This won't slow down Grey Cup Weekend though!!!!
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Happy Birthday Graham. Just squeaked in by half an hour. Love the two vettes in the driveway and I put mine to bed today too. Not expecting any snow here till maybe Tues, but you can never trust a weatherman. As the old saying goes, I just shoveled six inches of partly cloudy of my driveway!!!
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