So my wife and I once again were able to travel the Oregon coastline. Spent a total of 8 awesome days on the road. Left Ponoka AB. Sept. 22nd traveling south of Calgary down to the Crowsnest Pass then west to Cranbrook and Creston BC. Only made it to Spokane the first day. Next morning down to Kennewick Washington then west again to the Dalles and Portland (beautiful 130 klm drive along the Columbia River Gorge). Next south down the I5 for a short blast then south west through Sherwood, Newberg and finally our destination Lincoln City Oregon (1590 klm). Made really good time on lots of nice smooth blacktop unlike central AB hiways.
Stayed right on the coastline for four nights with the ocean right at our back deck!! Had a mixed bag of weather but mainly top down conditions however along the coastline fairly windy and very large waves.....nice to watch tho. Started our trip home on the 27th but hit a few to many casinos and didn't get home til the 30th. Good trip overall.........will probably do it again next year!!
Day trip to Newport Oregon

So many places to stop and check out...........

Years ago before ever owning a vette I dreamed of owning one, driving the west coastline, with a hot lady...........I believe I have achieved this dream!!

Stayed right on the coastline for four nights with the ocean right at our back deck!! Had a mixed bag of weather but mainly top down conditions however along the coastline fairly windy and very large waves.....nice to watch tho. Started our trip home on the 27th but hit a few to many casinos and didn't get home til the 30th. Good trip overall.........will probably do it again next year!!
Day trip to Newport Oregon

So many places to stop and check out...........

Years ago before ever owning a vette I dreamed of owning one, driving the west coastline, with a hot lady...........I believe I have achieved this dream!!