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Saving a 90 ZR-1 in hibernation 20yrs. Cheap for a reason. FlyNDrive #7


2:56pm Feb 5 2024: Received email from Forum Friend @Blue Bucket List (who i met on my 89 fly and drive field rescue!) with a link to a black 90 ZR-1 #2610, located in Redmond WA, with an asking price of $7500 usd.

Within a couple hours and plenty of discussion with Forum Friend @ChumpVette the decision was made to put an offer on the car and $6000 was accepted, by the seller holding the car with a $500 zelle deposit. I sent Chump the balance, he was going to pick up the car. Keep in mind....very little was known about the car at this point. Just the first set of pictures below. We could see some parts missing and components kittywompus.

The seller, an 18 year old kid in Redmond WA, University student taking business —-all he knew is that he was in waaaaaaay over his head with this car and he was honest about it. His very first response to me was "THIS IS A BIG PROJECT". In all caps. haha. Its too bad. At 18yo he had already owned an 85, and an 89.

He had bought the car spontaneously over craigslist, from Arizona, and paid to have it transported to WA. He was pretty deflated about the car when it showed up, it was not what he was led to believe. Understatement

Here are the pictures we had at time of sale:

(How many parts can you guys see missing?)












WHAT THE….somethings died inside


Not withstanding everything you see in these pictures, a deal was struck for $6000 to pickup the car and a $500 deposit was sent.

I didn't mind that the car looked horrible, was missing parts, and evidently had an ecosystem in the rear cargo compartment. My desire has been to build a track weapon zr-1, investing into the LT5, doing a 368, 378, or 391 with full porting yaddah yaddah. Yeah, that is expensive, but its what I want. I like the one year only body. I think the black lends itself well to being lowered, some comp grey coloured wheels, I wasn't too concerned about the paint quality, the interior, or anything really. Things can be refurbed. I also own, and track/HPDE a 91 #888. A red/saddle Canadian car. Love that car and far too nice to trim up into a track missile. This car represented my chance to build the track missile.

Upon arrival into Refmond, it was pretty clear to Chump, that there existed deeper issues, …much ….d33per…..A facetime video call was had, and the decision to remove the DS Cam cover (whose bolts were loose) was made. What he found....was not like any LT5 he'd ever seen. It appears that this engine possibly blew a head gasket, and maybe the Arizona owner was attempting to remove the head...and then just walked away from it, partially disassembled, open to the elements. See the horror below.


how in heavans name does this happen



Based on these revelations, the price was commensurately lowered — a lot, as it should’ve been, Chump handed over my cash and towed the beaten down ZR-1 home. Likely somewhat regretting his decision to help me out!! lol. Thnx bud!!!

The next day, a casual no big deal list arrives via txt:


along with a few more pieces of info:



Ive tried to track him down, looks to be a Dr in about his 70’s. If any ZR1 owners know him, hook me up!

so at least the paint can be polished up. Chumpvette tells me the front and rear bumper will need to be resprayed. 👍


doh!!!! oh yeah, sounds like these are visible on the top too. dang.

Ok, no big deal, Ive done alot of refurbs…..,other than “engine”. 😮

So lets talk about the engine goal: as much audacious hp and cam, as is possible, while ensuring that the engine can take routine track abuse a few times per week. Honestly if there was a way to maintain the nikasil, and achieve more hp than a c6z06, i would. I am a member at a local track, im very passionate about C4’s on track.

So as Chumpvette counselled, the prudent thing to do, is fly down to Portland for a weekend of tearing down the LT5, to see just how bad it is. And make a plan. Possibly crate the parts up ship them out. Maybe the block and pistons are good? Then it could just be cams and porting. Who knows.

I was not actively looking for another project car. And certainly not a ZR-1 project car. But sometimes you have to take it as it comes.

So, we invite you to follow along as I learn, from Chump, how to go over and plan a ZR1 build plan. Should be a great learning thread for C4 owner’s interested in eventually getting a ZR-1.

Lets see if we can take this Bot Fly of a Z and turn it into a fire breathing track missile. Will take some time, and will have fun along the way.

Im searching for a name for this car. Truth is i want to build a formidably capable high performance car….so have a name like Petris Dish ain’t going to cut it…Even though it might smell like a bacterial culture inside right now. Might be a two-stage nomenclature thing, like when its gets resuscitated maybe its born again or something with a new name. Gotta feel bad for the car right now! Like a Groin Kick Wince.

Here is the carfax report! Anyone know this car?




twenty years is one heck of a gap!!!!

THIS CAR HASN’T MOVED under its own power IN 20 YEARS. was the last time the mileage was recorded and it hasnt added a mile since september 16, 2003.

I fly out at 6am tomorrow to portland. I sure appreciate Chumpvette humouring me on this one. Its not going to be easy but i think the car is good hands. Sux to see a mighty Z in this shape. We’ll make it right! 😎

So, follow along if you like!!! And don't hold back!

We need a name for this car. ALL SUGGESTIONS WELCOME! It was t until just now i saw the mileage matched 2003. Incredible. Reminds me of Skyfire in Transformers that had been in a slumber forever. He was all beat up and battle scarred and creaked and groaned as he worked out his kinks waking up.
Those are both great suggestions.

So Air Canada cancelled my flight. Postponed till 2pm. That means Chump and I will miss the opportunity to visit a local boneyard (not open weekends) for some of the non LT5 stuff thats missing like shrouds etc.

Oh well im sure this will take a couple trips 😃

I have had a few private messages, expressing concern over my sanity. Lol. I really appreciate this. We gotta look out for each other!

Rest assured, i have not lost my sanity ❤️. Any time i start a thread like this, I always leave an exit strategy where i will at least be whole. Life is short. This past summer taught me that. the plans for the car are such that the engine condition (cylinder bore for example) will most likely not matter.

If you are going to build a 391, its getting new pistons anyway right?

hey lets try a vid!

Since you are raising the car from the dead, call it Lazarus.

i like both of the suggestions! Im thinking i will wait until its done. Because it will be quite a transformation. I was definitely leaning towards a dragon theme because its year of the dragon after all. Night Fury works well.

But its more like Night Sweats right now lol.
quick update

Big day in the drizzle of feb in portland 😎

I have recorded alot of video today of pulling the driver side head with a full walk through. We are fairly sure we have retraced the steps that a prior owner took on this car.

As far as we can tell….At some point, there was interference between the piston and valve, on a couple cylinders. One valve broke off. It was caught on the low side of the cylinder, standing on edge. It left an imprint on both the head and the piston top.

Ok but in addition to this, there are valve kiss marks all the way across the drivers side head.

Here is the thing. We FOUND a valve under the battery. It had been there a long time. The work on the heads doesnt look to be that old. You can see the blueing that was put there prior to lapping. 3 valves were worked.

We found all head bolts loose. The head had definitely been pulled as it had the work done to it.

Then, at some point, a decision was made to slap everything back together but not tighten anything. The head bolts were all loose. The lifters were not even in the head. Two valves were missing the springs.

Now truth is, in my opinion, there is actually a world that exists where this thing gets all cleaned up, the missing parts purchased from Chumpvette, the one headgasket reinstalled, and this car could be driven home. With some steel wool i think i could even bring the cams back…..but dont worry Chump wont let me do that. Lets just say his standards for ZR-1 treatment is very high 👍👍

Truth is i kinda want to do that. There is a thing in me that wants this to be a fly n drive. Albeit it would take a second trip. And some gaskets.

…..Meanwhile cyl 5 has a dent on its sleeves top, outboard side. so yeah.

So, what makes the most sense here is to yank the engine, and send it out for the full enchilada. It will likely save me $2000 to ship to and from here.

We have been very busy here and i will get a video posted up tonight 👍
Originally Posted by VikingTrad3r
Thank You guys for both the support and the sanity checks.

I have recorded alot of video today of pulling the driver side head with a full walk through. We are fairly sure we have retraced the steps that a prior owner took on this car.

As far as we can tell….At some point, there was interference between the piston and valve, on a couple cylinders. One valve broke off. It was caught on the low side of the cylinder, standing on edge. It left an imprint on both the head and the piston top.

Ok but in addition to this, there are valve kiss marks all the way across the drivers side head.

Here is the thing. We FOUND a valve under the battery. It had been there a long time. The work on the heads doesnt look to be that old. You can see the blueing that was put there prior to lapping. 3 valves were worked.

We found all head bolts loose. The head had definitely been pulled as it had the work done to it.

Then, at some point, a decision was made to slap everything back together but not tighten anything. The head bolts were all loose. The lifters were not even in the head. Two valves were missing the springs.

Now truth is, in my opinion, there is actually a world that exists where this thing gets all cleaned up, the missing parts purchased from Chumpvette, the one headgasket reinstalled, and this car could be driven home. With some steel wool i think i could even bring the cams back…..but dont worry Chump wont let me do that. Lets just say his standards for ZR-1 treatment is very high 👍👍

Truth is i kinda want to do that. There is a thing in me that wants this to be a fly n drive. Albeit it would take a second trip. And some gaskets.

…..Meanwhile cyl 5 has a dent on its sleeves top, outboard side. so yeah.

So, what makes the most sense here is to yank the engine, and send it out for the full enchilada. It will likely save me $2000 to ship to and from here.

We have been very busy here and i will get a video posted up tonight 👍

Any ideas on what may have happened? Some one replaced head gaskets and missed the timing on the timing chain? Timing chain skipped a tooth? Interesting findings.


ChumpVette , Today 05:52 PM
Melting Slicks

Originally Posted by PatrickBowersJr
Any ideas on what may have happened? Some one replaced head gaskets and missed the timing on the timing chain? Timing chain skipped a tooth? Interesting findings.


there is a story and we have been working on figuring it out. It does look like the car dropped a valve and a repair was attempted. It looks like they thought they could time it by throwing the head back on and maybe rotating the camshafts to the proper position. Which was a failure.

Originally Posted by zyal8r
@VikingTrad3r This is yet another excellent project post! I can't wait to see how it turns out!

And oh my... @ChumpVette , is that a yellow '90 ZR-1 in the junkyard??? Sure looks like the 1yr-only '90 body style with the 3rd brake light. Someone needs to rescue that one, too! One of 23 in '90!

I look forward to your progress! You both are great assets to this forum! I learn a lot reading your threads.


It is a narrow body with an aftermarket rear bumper.

VikingTrad3r , Today 07:02 PM
Oil Producer
@zyal8r Haha. I asked Chump same question about that yellow car. The early cars with those bumpers look soooo good. Hence why i wanted a 90 😎

My first track car was an 86 with a later bumper like that yellow one and i loved it.

This 90 will most definitely rise again 😃. And it will be a much bigger stronger version of itself 👍

I took video instead of pictures this trip. It felt like a good idea at the time but stringing these snips of vids together is taking time to learn.

Doesnt help that Im overly verbose. 😃

Chump dropped me off at the Portland International and ive got an hour till boarding. Will try to get some uploaded.

I was attracted to this 90 Z because it was

- cheap
- an enigma
- a 90, which i wanted
- i felt bad for the car.
- chumpvette felt the same.

This will end up being a great little thread on reviving an LT5. Its not going to happen overnight 👍

Aardwolf , Today 08:10 PM
Race Director

There was/is a big thread in the race section on a ZR1 C4 track car. Lots of good info and parts:

ChumpVette , Today 08:14 PM
Melting Slicks

Originally Posted by Aardwolf
There was/is a big thread in the race section on a ZR1 C4 track car. Lots of good info and parts:

12 years later and not done. Not the direction this car will be taking.

Aardwolf , Today 08:21 PM
Race Director

There was another thread with the same car about brakes if it's helpful at all.
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Im back in Canada now. Trip went QUICK.

Hope u guys dont mind im trying to maintain the thread in both places as ive done on other fly n drives. Sometimes a copy and past saves me a pile of time.

Spence u still here?

I recorded a pile of video detailing what we found, and how we found it. Ive got it edited out to 1hr. Sitting in yvr to yyc flight and will upload vid tomorrow.

Its a grab a coffee type deal.

Bleh, i dont like hearing myself talk.

BUT. this will be cool to keep everyone here on CCF updated. Glad to be home.

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The OP is quite experienced and knew what he was getting into.

I believe this is his 9th C4 “rescue” and Im quite sure he has a spare LT5 in his garage.


But seriously, happy to share an update.
Chumpvette and I (A cf member friend) took the heads off, they had both been refreshed with new valves. There was damage to the sleeve at the 7 oclock position that was clearing *during* the reinstallation. They must have dropped the head and it dinged the sleeve.

So, engine coming out, going out to Pepmeier for a full buildout to be my future street legal track missile.

Worst case, i have an LT5 in the shop i can swap it in.

more updates here:

I did take an hour of vid but indont think Chump wanted his face on cam.
I guess there is more to update.

A deal came up on an 85 for my neighbours kid in Seattle. Neither the Z or the 85 4+3 runs.

So i bought a 45 foot 18000 lbs trailer, used, that will hold both cars, and i’ll be heading down through spokane first to portland, where the Z is currently parked in a driveway, and then up to Seattle to pick up the 85. Then home. Likely take the state side road back through spokane and up through kingsgate to yyc.

I also ended up getting ahold of the original owner. He was the last guy to drive the car, on the way to the dealership in Arizona where he traded it for a viper. That was in 2004. Somehow at that dealership, the engine piles up. Which is hard to do to an LT5.

The car was auctioned off at verious dealer auctions after that, and sat for 20 yrs. Never ran other than whoever at the dodge dealership blew up the engine.

The Dr who originally owned was at first weirded out that i tracked him down. When he realized i was sincerely interested in the history of the car, and that i know owned its decrepit remains, he was happy to tell me stories and pleased that i was going to fix it.

The origin of the real delay….is that i bought that second non running vehicle and had to find a 45ft trailer to buy. …. and a truck to pull it.

There is actually more.

So i hook up this crazy huge 45ft trailer gooseneck to my teenie 2000 dodge 2500 manual with a dana 80 and being that i had never hauled a gooseneck and was just learning on the fly, i get her all the way home, turn in my circle, jacknife, blow my rear window out. It was then i discovered shortboxes are not the best trucks for a 45ft goose. And then my truck can’t legally haul the 18000 ft rated trailer with the 8100lbs trailer plus two 3400lbs cars.

So, definitely some momentum taken out. But nothing to do with the Z. 😃

Im looking for a 4th gen dodge 6.7 cummins dually longbox with a gooseneck setup that i can buy and drive….id prefer if all the emissions stuff is already deleted.

So if you know any… im looking for a truck to haul this thing asap.

Here are pics.

I loaded my daughters 84 autocross car and my 89 z51 into it as a test and i was blown away with how much extra space there is in this gargantuan trailer.

Will be fantastic for tracks in western canada.


when your hoods clear coat faded from sitting a field for 17ys.

Soon, I will be having a beer with Chumpvette talking about plans for the black sheep
After many months of sorting out how to go from a city slicker to a 45ft gooseneck and 1tonne dually driver….

…..the time has almost come to Drive to Chumps place to rescue to forlorn ZR-1.

I will bring you all with me as usual.


At first, i was under the mistaken impression i could haul the gigantor trailer with a 1999 2500 dodge cummins. Its a long story a d a long journey but, even a dummy can learn the hard way.



Ive come a long way in life (like any other middle aged dude haha) and this was a real wake up call. It led to me slightly upgrading.


We are getting there. Have a 2021 dually ready next week. then off to portland 👍
On the road, the journey resumes.
left Calgary at 4 AM, somehow I hit a deer at 4:30 AM and there is absolutely no evidence that I hit said dear. No idea how. It went under the right tires and probably under the trailer. Can’t find any evidence. Phew!

Oh, this is a fairly big rig for me to tow with. The heaviest thing I’ve ever towed is a big surf boat. This is about twice as long and I’m not sure how heavy it is to be honest with you. I think the trailer on its own is a few thousand pounds maybe 6000 pounds. Anyway, I had some serious anxiety about getting myself stuck into a corner with this big ass trailer if I’d be able to get myself out of it. So last night I spent some time backing out around corners purposely getting myself into tight spaces in my community and to be honest it’s pretty easy. The only real stress point is that in a very sharp left-hand turn, the electric fuel pump in my slip tank, will contact the corner of the trailer. But it’s at about 85° turn. So I think I can avoid that. This is a bit of a different rescue mission. Normally I fly and drive. Technically I did fly , I just flew home again and now I am driving and I will drive home again with the car in the trailer. I figure if I can do crazy trips in old C4‘s that have been sitting for 20 years in fields, I should be able to rely on a 2021 Dodge at a 2005 trailer. so I doubt there will be any drama. Famous last words I probably should not have said that. I will share photos from the journey!




Frank slide, has a Geologist. This is a pretty cool and special place. Mountain let go back in the coal mining days and buried a bunch of buildings, and very few people all things considered. The rock debris stretches on all the way across the valley, current theory is that the rock was somehow gliding on a pocket of air, because the air could not escape, and it was able to carry its momentum all the way up the opposite side of the valley. Many boulders are the size of a house. The indigenous u


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