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Personally, I am not a fan of run-flats. The reason being is a regular tire has a lot of flexibility in the sidewall, allowing for a better ride and a better contact patch when pushed to its limit. A run-flat works by having a thick, rigid sidewall that can support the weight of the car for a short distance.

I run what are essentially track tires for the summer, so I always keep everything I need to pull the wheel off and patch a hole in the car, should I ever need to. I've only experienced two flat tire my whole life, including all the trips I've done with my parents since I can remember.  A flat tire is not a big concern.

That all being said, I do run a run-flat in the winter because a) I don't think there are any standard winter tires that fit my car and b) I don't want to be messing around with fixing a flat on the side of the road at any time in the winter.
