Wesley A

I'm New Here
Mar 11, 2010
Millbrook, Ontario
1988 C4
Have a 1988 C4 and this is the problem - when I slow down to stop at lights etc., I have this noise coming from the rear left wheel area that sounds as if I have a tire with a flat spot that kind of a bump bump noise, under load it seems to disappear.

I had the wheels balanced and rotated but I still get the same noise. Universal joints seem OK, I can't find any play in the same. Wheel bearing seems OK.

Would appreciate any ideas on what my problem would be.
Definitely sounds like tires to me. Have you checked for poor alignment/camber and for scalloping of the tire on one side of the tread?

Also check for a bad cut, or bulge that might cause that noise.

Redoing alignment and balance unfortunately won't fix an already damaged tire(s).
Is it a regular thump thump like from a rotating wheel/mass, or irregular like something bouncing/vibrating in the trunk?

If it's not any of that you may have something going on inside the rear axle or a brakes issue. Does the noise change or disappear when you apply the emergency brake (lightly of course)?

How about when you apply the service brakes?
Have tried the emergency brake and service brake but the noise remains the same. Nothing bouncing around in the trunk.

This only happens when I slow down in the process of stopping at lights/stop signs, etc. Under acceleration it seems to disappear.
Have tried the emergency brake and service brake but the noise remains the same. Nothing bouncing around in the trunk.

This only happens when I slow down in the process of stopping at lights/stop signs, etc. Under acceleration it seems to disappear.

Check your swaybar end links .
Check your swaybar end links .

one of these days he'll be wrong... (maybe - I just hope I'm around long enough to see it).....another well know vendor tried to sell me new motor mounts/torque tube bushings recently, so of course I went to ECP to get Manny to do the deed, since he's the only one touches my baby, but all it needed was a bend of a vacuum line to stop it from rubbing on the cylinder head.... cost me a large Timmy's! .....
one of these days he'll be wrong... (maybe - I just hope I'm around long enough to see it).....another well know vendor tried to sell me new motor mounts/torque tube bushings recently, so of course I went to ECP to get Manny to do the deed, since he's the only one touches my baby, but all it needed was a bend of a vacuum line to stop it from rubbing on the cylinder head.... cost me a large Timmy's! .....

Rates have come down at ECP...:rofl: Manny is the man....
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