A lady I know isn't getting her contract with a local college renewed so cuts at the bottom are happening. The guys in the armed forces are seeing major cuts. With the government, the cuts are always at the bottom and we end up with everything top heavy with redundant management. A few years ago, when they are tightening things up at the hospital in Peterborough, people came out of the woodwork trying to make themselves look busy and involved. Workers there had never even seen some of them before until that point. Same happened at the local high schools when Harris was trying to cut the fat. Everyone in the schools was getting programmes going to make themselves look busy. It was so obvious that even our kids were laughing at the antics. We need outside efficiency experts to go in and cut the fat where it really needs to be cut. It's not that difficult if the right people are put in charge. GM used to have a pretty good method. If they had three plants building the Chev, one with 4000 employees, one with 3000 and one with 2000, the company would make the 4000 plant figure out how they were going to get the work done with 3000. Trying to match the 2000 might backfire but they knew that the 3000 was safe. The government could do the same thing with all the departments that they have in different areas.