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Rruuff Day

Staff member
Power User
Aug 30, 2014

OK… you’ve taken the plunge and are the proud as heck owner of the classic American made sports car…

The Chevrolet Corvette


And now you’ve also discovered the best Corvette Forum there is, have started a thread and introduced yourself in the “NEW USERS” section, and now the members are hungry to see pictures of your ride… Well… I’ve been there/done that, so for the tactile but tech handicapped (like me) out there, here’s a bit of a ‘how to’…

There are a couple of easy ways to post pictures into your normal thread post….

First easy way (assuming you are in the middle of a post) is to open your file explorer off to one side and go to the folder where you keep your pictures. Or if your pictures are stored directly on your desktop screen, go there instead.

Left click on the picture file you want to share, hold down the mouse button and drag the file over and onto where you are posting your message. Release the mouse button and your picture will copy there. Alternatively, If you’re a copy and paste person, you can do that too. Right click copy the picture and right click paste it in the post. If you want more pictures, just repeat those steps for each picture.


Copy and paste is how I post video links as well. Just copy the link, paste in in your post and viewers just need to click the link to play it.


The second easy way is to scroll down within your post you are typing in (especially if you have a postage stamp size screen like my laptop…) and at the bottom of your post window, you will see the ‘Upload a File’ tab. Click on that tab and your file explorer will automatically open.
upload filer.JPG

Click and highlight the picture file you want and the file name will show up in the bar at the bottom of that window… click ‘Open’ and voila`… your picture is loading into your post.

picture insert.jpg


Now a bit of a caution. If your pictures are stored as super duper high quality huge size files, they are going to fill the screen to the point you won’t be able to tell it’s even a car…. Lol… So either resize your picture if you can, or load it anyway and ask for a moderator to assist in resizing. We will do that for a 20% monthly garnishee on your wages…(ok…. That was a joke… It’s only 10%...:rolleyes:)

Ok… now that your picture is there, choose whether you want it to display as a full image or as a thumbnail view that viewers will open themselves.


Hope that assists you in loading pictures to your thread. Comments, suggestions or corrections are welcome.
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OK People....Remembering how much I stumbled around both learning how to walk and then learning how to post pictures to the Media section of the forum, I thought it might be nice to post a little tutorial for members as a follow up to Posting Pictures to a Thread. For those that know me, this won’t be near as clear as I would want…LOL…

Ok…If you're done watching the C7 change colours (kewl eh!)......... let’s start.

• We will assume you have taken a picture or pictures and have them saved digitally on your device.

• First, click on the ‘MEDIA’ tab near the top of the screen


• Now click on ‘Add Media’

add mediar.JPG

• Now click on either an existing category, or click on an album and then click in the ‘choose an album’ slot and then click ‘create an album’

create an albumr.JPG

This should be the next pop up if you chose to create an album….

create it now.jpg

· Now fill in the album title you would like to call it, an album description, and choose both who can view it and who can add pictures to it from the lists.

0 to 100r.JPG

Now click the ‘Create Album’ tab and now you will see this Upload screen ….

You will also see this screen if you simply chose ‘Site Category’ and one of the two CCF albums way back near the start.


So click on that ‘Upload Image’ tab and it will open your ‘File Explorer’ on your PC where you can go to where you store your pictures and choose the one or more that you wish to post in your newly formed album.

You can Upload or Embed a video from this screen as well.

The upload from a URL tab is used to upload an image from an internet web address if there is an image there you wish to upload.


Anyhow…. Back to your file explorer (assuming I haven’t sent you to some other obscure place) you can pick your picture and double click on the file and it will automatically load into the media screen or single click and the filename will appear in the file name bar. Then just click the ‘Open’ tab.

picture insert.jpg

You are there…. Your picture is loaded…. You can click on ‘Upload Image’ again and load more images at this point or you can enter a description of choice in the box, and no matter whether you uploaded pictures or videos, click the ‘Save Media’ tab and you are done….


And as discussed in the previous post, be careful of gigantic picture size. We want the picture to fit our screens.

Hope that assists you in loading pictures to a Media Album. Comments, suggestions or corrections are welcome.
If you're still having problems, feel free to either.........

or PM me anytime....

Happy Posting and don't forget to vote for your favorite media picture every month....
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Hey everyone. FYI, your beloved Canadian Corvette Forum runs a Media of the Month contest.... yes.... Every month.

From all the pictures posted in the Media section (scroll up for posting details), one lucky and extremely talented photographer has his or her picture chosen each month to wear the sacred "Media of the Month Banner", have the genuine 14 carat gold trophy displayed in your profile, gain previously unattainable popularity among the membership, and go down in a blaze of glory in the CCF history books. :thumbs:

All this this is accomplished by the totally unbiased voting of the membership at large. The previous posts in this sticky thread explain the posting procedures, and this post will explain how to cast your vote each month.

Please note that each member only gets one vote each month and you cannot vote for your own entry. Here we go!

Just in case you are new here or have a memory like mine, here's two ways to place your vote.

Left click up on the 'Media' tab at the top of the screen. This will bring up the first page of posted pictures. You can scroll through any number of the pages viewing lots of pictures or if you see one you want a closer look at, left click that frame and it will bring up a larger single picture view. Left click the "back" arrow and it will take you back to the page view. Scroll through the pictures to your heart's content until you find the picture that reaches out and screams for your ever so important vote.

On the full page of pictures view, you will see a small trophy
icon at the bottom right of each picture. Beside this icon is the number of votes this picture has so far. If this is the picture you want to vote for, move your cursor over to that little number beside the little trophy and left click your mouse on it. You should see the number increase by one when the page is refreshed.

how to vote 2.jpg

The other way is to left click on the picture and open it up big screen. You will see the Information sidebar along the right side of the window and the little "Vote for this as Media of the Month" bar as shown below. Left click on this bar and your vote will be registered.


Remember. You only get one vote and you can't change your mind after you vote. (or at least I haven't found a way to do that

So c'mon members. Show your forum and fellow member support and both post up your great pictures and place your vote for your favorite every month.

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