Oh crap, hit my door

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2015 C7 Z51 M7
Well, I did it. I opened my door and hit the edge against a post. I chipped the edge of the door, a looney sized chip. Does anyone know if this can be repaired or do I need a new door skin? The panel is made from some type of polycarbonate material. Any help would be very much appreciated. It's a white 2015 C7 z51.
I know Manny's DaSilva Motorsports has a very good body shop. I had a scrape on the front of my C5 and honestly you would have never known it was there. Give him a call.

I honestly feel very bad for you, it is a sick feeling. But stuff happens and hopefully you can get it sorted to your satisfaction. Sorry man.
Been there a few times. I treat the first scrape/dent/scratch/shopping cart collision as a sort of initiation for any new car I've owned. Made me just a tiny bit less OCD about the car thereafter.

It should be a straightforward repair though depending on size you may have the panel repainted to ensure it's blended nicely. It will look good as new when done properly.

Take it to a reputable body shop for an assessment.
You need a bigger garage. If I could afford a new Vette I would build an oversized garage just for the Vette. What kinda mpg do you get?

Thank you for your informative comments. Hopefully you understand that they don't help the situation. Oh ... your trying to be funny...not.
Tyho, hopefully you will keep us in the loop on the repairs. There are some talented body shop/painter folks out there and hopefully this will just be a bad memory in another couple of weeks. The other thought for at least some input and a quote would be Davies Corvette's in Etobicoke, they have been around for years and are in the Islington and Norseman area.

What did the door hit that cause the chip? Sometimes just catching the edge of the door can cause the paint to pop off.

Good luck. Try not to look at it.
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