While I agree that Canada as a whole has as close to ZERO effect on world pollution, the .govs use climate change, and carbon as a tax grab, and lead the sheople to believe we are doomed if we don't change now.
The reality is, Canada as a nation could go completely off the grid, to absolutely zero carbon and methane emissions and nothing would change one single bit in the atmosphere. Sadly, the idea has been bought by the newest generation of entitled brats, who spew hate speech when you use logic to disagree, and the .govs are laughing as they lined corporate coffers' pockets with environmental tax monies while doing absolutely nothing for the environment.(in actuality, they are doing more harm than good through "green" projects when you look into it).
Every time I ask those who support big government taxes on emissions, to show me a single example of any tax that has truly helped the environment, I never get a response...