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Need tire shop tire shop tire shop

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2022 rapid blue
headed out for a 8 hour round trip yesterday, was into the trip about an hour when whoooose, thought the hatch had opened up or lifted as the sound lasted about 4 seconds and sounded like wind from an open hatch,

was passing a line of cars on a 4 lande with traffic behind me,

then the dash light came on right front tire, great,

turned the flashers on and lifted my foot off the gas pedal, coasted a while and this nice lady behind me tried ot push me out of the way (had to speed up twice as she is giving me the finger in the mirror,

finally get over to the shoulder on the right side as the left shoulder had debris on it and stopped,

tried to find the leak, no avail,

drove home 55 miles on the goodyear run craps, and found out it was the right rear and not the front (nice touch chevy get the tire wrong) so check your tires with a guage and not the screen (had a guage in the glove box and will use it before I start out when there is a problem)

also saw brian last week and said I would come to edmonton to get my plug system duh silly me

so the tire was one I had patched (improperly by fountain tire) 3 weeks earlier

so I need new tires, where to go and which darn place to get them installed with a pdfat racing street setting (15000 kms and all are work, fronts in side and rear outside ??? what is up with that)

need to check if car was lowered before I got it (4000 kms)

Grand Sport so maybe try hankooks or michelins, not sure which as seems ot be a shortage on bridgestone re50a pole position run flats,

any htoughts on edmonton or red deer locations as local kal tire on saturday did not know if they could change the tire with the equipment they had (should have asked if they have a hunter force balancer)

what a hassle,

thoughts Jeffer :(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(

want to get this ordered teusday as monday I must try the business trip again with the truck or wifes car,


so tire thoughts but more importantly a place to go that does good work and will not rip my off with double corvette tax

thanks to my friends
headed out for a 8 hour round trip yesterday, was into the trip about an hour when whoooose, thought the hatch had opened up or lifted as the sound lasted about 4 seconds and sounded like wind from an open hatch,

was passing a line of cars on a 4 lande with traffic behind me,

then the dash light came on right front tire, great,

turned the flashers on and lifted my foot off the gas pedal, coasted a while and this nice lady behind me tried ot push me out of the way (had to speed up twice as she is giving me the finger in the mirror,

finally get over to the shoulder on the right side as the left shoulder had debris on it and stopped,

tried to find the leak, no avail,

drove home 55 miles on the goodyear run craps, and found out it was the right rear and not the front (nice touch chevy get the tire wrong) so check your tires with a guage and not the screen (had a guage in the glove box and will use it before I start out when there is a problem)

also saw brian last week and said I would come to edmonton to get my plug system duh silly me

so the tire was one I had patched (improperly by fountain tire) 3 weeks earlier

so I need new tires, where to go and which darn place to get them installed with a pdfat racing street setting (15000 kms and all are work, fronts in side and rear outside ??? what is up with that)

need to check if car was lowered before I got it (4000 kms)

Grand Sport so maybe try hankooks or michelins, not sure which as seems ot be a shortage on bridgestone re50a pole position run flats,

any htoughts on edmonton or red deer locations as local kal tire on saturday did not know if they could change the tire with the equipment they had (should have asked if they have a hunter force balancer)

what a hassle,

thoughts Jeffer :(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(

want to get this ordered teusday as monday I must try the business trip again with the truck or wifes car,


so tire thoughts but more importantly a place to go that does good work and will not rip my off with double corvette tax

thanks to my friends

Weidner motors (GM dealership)in Lacombe

Ask for Andy in the service dept. .... He his doing my brothers grand sport this week and can get many choices in tires for you

1 (403) 782-3626

I went with Firestone EMT's and was really happy. Softer compound, softer ride, good grip cold or hot and much quieter.

Purchased and installed at Westgate Chevrolet. Full price, yabutt no returns on a quality installation. :D

Something to consider; If you can tolerate the down-time think about having your factory (if that is what you're running ...) rims turned and polished while the tires are off. I did and was impressed with the workmanship on the rims. I'd even go so far to say I required less weights to balance the tires but can be 100% sure due to tire manufacturing inconsistencies.

.... give me a moment to find the name of the rim shop ....

Found it: Egbert's Street Rods & Collector Cars Inc. on 116 avenue and 154 street. Best rim jo ..... oh, never mind.

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sheldon at Fasteck is ordering in potenzas pole position run flats, and yes I am going to see Brian tomorrow (how else can I fix my flat to get to the tire shop !!!!!!!) and when pressed he did seem to vagely remember meeting Brian haha no he said Brain is one of the good guys, and I would agree,

thanks to all pics maybe later

sheldon at Fasteck is ordering in potenzas pole position run flats, and yes I am going to see Brian tomorrow (how else can I fix my flat to get to the tire shop !!!!!!!) and when pressed he did seem to vagely remember meeting Brian haha no he said Brain is one of the good guys, and I would agree,

thanks to all pics maybe later


great group of guys.... known them for 10 years now.

and we are in a group lotto play too.... need to hit it big one day.

I am around work today..... call first.

780 993-3687

fill up your tire and pour soapy water on the tire and watch for bubbles.... to find the nail / leak
SAD SAD news update,

1. everything went well,

2. tires are great

3. wife now wants to travel, sad sad news, no rest for me as a old man,

the owner says he may want ot be a sponsor on this site, and I think this site could be useful to find QUALITY shops to do business with, I will have to PM the site owner,

thanks to all my car and wifey thank you

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