Jan 26, 2018
Orford, Qc
Corvette HTC 2023
Could I get feedback from people that have paid for a Nano paint treatment?
Does it make sense to pay $1,000 to get it done?
Do you really see a big difference versus a regular wax application?
Does any of you have done the Nano treatment by themselve?
Which brand do you recommend?
Thanks, Alain
Hi Alain. Did it myself with a friend who have some experience in detailing, it was an easy task, everything is in the preparation, aplying the product is the easy part. I used Nanoprotex Cananda Inc, they are in quebec and their products are available at Napa and Uniselect. You can also shop online on their website. My car was on its fifth summer so we did a light buff to remove swirls, clean the car with alcool and aply the sealer. Most detail are on their website. Not sure much longer vs wax but my goal was to protect paint from uv, bird s**t and other contaminations. I met a guy from the company and he told me I dont have to wax the car for 2 years, that wax wont protect it more but I can help myself from waxing it. Maybe I need a psychiatrist???

My cousin had is 2010 Mustang done last summer, he had huge swirls, some overspray to remove fron a fender bender then thay put a nano sealer on it (cant remember what brand) and the cost was around 500$, he hada lot of work to do on his car, came out real nice.
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