Methanol vs. Methyl Hydrate


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2006 Z06
Good afternoon Manny , everybody,

Decided to go shopping for supplies for my Alky Control BEOFRE I actually run out!! Getting smarter in my old age I guess!!

I found 99.9% methyl hydrate, $4 per liter, $7 per 3.78 liters at my farm supply store.

Now is there a difference between methanol vs. methyl hydrate for the Alky Control?

Certainly affordable enough in 3.78 liter jugs if this is OK to use.........or do I need to track down 100% methanl??

Google says they are the same product but I'd like a considered opinion before running this through my car.


So do people go to speed shops or paint shops or hardware shops if there is no difference............whereever it is least expensive.

Off to get my grain bin and to move it home - much excitement!! Imagine if I even have grain for it this fall - premium methanol then baby!!


You guys missed another classic cluster f in Garry's life.

So off to get the bin. Rope dad into coming with Aidan and I. Stop at the agro supplier (UFA) to get the bin moving dollies. Head out to the farmer's place. Arrive. Look at bin. Assumption was made that while it was four rings high the rings were 2 1/2 feet in height, so 10' plus 5' for the roof or 15' tall in total, under the height needed to move under power wires. Suddenly it looks a bit taller........(I never looked at the bin in person, I bid over the internet but dad stopped in to give me a list of bins worth bidding on and this was the one I ended up buying). Measure the ring height and oops, not 2 1/2' tall but 3 1/2' tall! So now my bin is 14' plus 5' for the cone which means I need to get it moved by someone with a bin teansporting trailer and also have to get ATCO to lift the power lines. My $50 rental fee just turned into a $1000 contract job.......

I did buy the methal hydrate while I was at UFA though..............!!

Never a dull moment or smooth adventure for this kid eh!

Tomorrow will be a better day!


yeah same stuff Garry -- Pyro beat me to posting Wikipedia listing --

Methanol - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Here's a pics of what Manny uses and what I buy at Home Depot......Seems your price is better. HD's is about a ten spot for a yank gallon.


Oh; yeah -- hope tomorrow is a better day for ya.
"Mama said there'd be days like this............ ........" :D
Wow! That looks like the same jug as mine from UFA!

Dad came over, did his hocus-pokus on the BigHorn side-by-side. The switch for the winch came unbolted and it dropped down about an inch, through vibration a hole wore through the plastic case, caused a dead short. Battery is toast, no surprise but I will get a replacement for that tomorrow and then move onto the original problem, I damaged the transmission when I got it mired when I was taking my final soil sample in the spring. CVT transmission, something I have zero experience with, ditto dad. But I needed to get it running as step one and that should be taken care of now.


Wow! That looks like the same jug as mine from UFA!

Dad came over, did his hocus-pokus on the BigHorn side-by-side. The switch for the winch came unbolted and it dropped down about an inch, through vibration a hole wore through the plastic case, caused a dead short. Battery is toast, no surprise but I will get a replacement for that tomorrow and then move onto the original problem, I damaged the transmission when I got it mired when I was taking my final soil sample in the spring. CVT transmission, something I have zero experience with, ditto dad. But I needed to get it running as step one and that should be taken care of now.



you may have just smoked the belt.
Good evening buckhorn76,

All I can remember from this spring, as this event did occur two months ago: normally you can start the BigHorn but it won't move until you give it some throttle - must have a centrifugal clutch.

So now it will still start but if I try to put it into gear I just get a whole lot of grinding, either into Low or High or Reverse. If I recall, trying to start it with it in gear might result in it trying to move it is seized in an engaged position.........

But at least if it starts, which it should now that the short has been addressed and once I get a new battery then it is on to the transmission issue. It is still a good step forward for sure.

Sadly the bin fiasco did result in no Z06 time today and the forecast looks popor for the next couple of days - waaah!


first place to start is to pull the belt cover off and pull both clutches. the primary clutch will need a special puller and the secondary may need one. i would take them to someone that specializes in atv/snowmobiles for inspection. you will definitly need the impact gun for removal and there is a torque spec for reinstall.
Good morning buckhorn76,

There is actually a Lenhai dealer in town so I am good in that department. I hope to get teh new battery today and then to go from that point.

Sadly the forecast for here is 100% of rain in Saturday and 60% where the autocross is taking place in Dawson Creek.

It is set up with a lot of potential for the weekend as there is a second AC event on Sunday in Hythe which is west of Grande Prairie with the more drifting leaning car club there.

Weekends like this, with maybe 600 km of highway driving again make me think of a tilt trailer and how handy it would be to avoid unnecessary road miles on the car. Oh the other hand I keep telling myself this is why I bought the car too..........


Good afternoon HLN A55, Riley,

It is so nice to have you guys for a sounding board. I know that I have to get a trailer for other reasons, it is just a case of getting a regular flat deck for the farm and forgoing the ability to haul the car or to ramp up the investment and to go with a tilt deck and have the ability to do my work AND to trailer the car...........


Good afternoon Riley,

I keep leaning that way myself and Manny echoed that direction too. just a problem to find one. I was in the process of getting one when I was going to get the car but as I left late on the Friday and both the transport and trailer businesses closed at 4:30 and were not open on Saturday I had to choose one over the other. Oddly the car won out.

So now it is a case of looking at this requriement again.

I do have to make another trip to Edmonton and so if I don't find anything locally that is also affordable it would be my next chance to get a tilt deck.

The forecast has changed a little bit. Still 60% chance of showers for DC where the auto-X is going to be on Saturday, lows of 4 highs of 10 - should allow for more SC operation without the engine temp climbing so high!!!!!! But it would be nice if it was sunny too instead of overcast. But two more days to go so who is to say what will happen yet. However I can't say I'm as gung-ho about going as I was say a week ago either.


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