Magazines -- No No Not Spam

Black 03 Z06

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2003 Z06
I used to buy a lot of magazines every month, some got read some did not. I ask this because yesterday I bought, on a whim, Popular Mechanics which I probably had not read in 40 years. Still not sure why but I am reading it.

I know the new fangled "inter web" thing has taken over but I wonder do you still buy and read magazines? I buy when I can find it Rodder's Journal (although it is not monthly) Trains, Classic Trains and the only subscription I have is Acoustic Guitar. So that sums it up, no hot rod, can't drive a train and can't play the guitar. :confused:

Another weird habit I have is that I read magazines from back to front. This is one strange thing I do that I can actually explain. When I was a kid for me the best pages were the cars for sale and classifieds in the back of Hot Rod. That would be the first place I would go. Still cannot break the habit but I do wonder if that is why a lot of articles make no sense to me. :rofl:
I used to buy a lot of magazines every month, some got read some did not. I ask this because yesterday I bought, on a whim, Popular Mechanics which I probably had not read in 40 years. Still not sure why but I am reading it.

I know the new fangled "inter web" thing has taken over but I wonder do you still buy and read magazines? I buy when I can find it Rodder's Journal (although it is not monthly) Trains, Classic Trains and the only subscription I have is Acoustic Guitar. So that sums it up, no hot rod, can't drive a train and can't play the guitar. :confused:

Another weird habit I have is that I read magazines from back to front. This is one strange thing I do that I can actually explain. When I was a kid for me the best pages were the cars for sale and classifieds in the back of Hot Rod. That would be the first place I would go. Still cannot break the habit but I do wonder if that is why a lot of articles make no sense to me. :rofl:

Yep, my brother and I have a few car mag subscriptions: Corvette mag., Car and Driver, and Road and Track.....We enjoy Corvette Mag. a lot -- limited tasteful ads, and interesting articles and terrific photography.
Nice to have the copies to refer to but they are all at the Library for reference according to our friend in Welland (Tony).. and of course on the really no need to buy them.

Used to buy a lot more when they were cheaper and poured over every one.

Murray.....reading from back to front is supposed to be the sign of extreme intelligence.....because as you say: the good stuff is further on in the book. the smarts come into it due to being able to make sense of a story by reading the end first and progressing to the beginning....

I forget where I read that now but I do remember that stat -- apparently some of the smartest people in the world have done that .......... :D

when i worked in litho in pre-press, i used to have to read film negatives upside down and backwards !!! :rofl: i like magazines but not enough to have any subscriptions, i prefer looking at old copies. i have old popular mechanics from the early to mid 60's and i get a charge out of looking at them from time to time. :D
Over the past few years, our grandkids have been selling subscriptions to raise money for school trips and such. I would buyto help the kids out but I don't think I read any front to back or vice versa. ;) Any more the magazines are just infomercials for whatever product they are writing about. The articles appear to be word for word straight from the ad agencies. Just to go out and buy a car magazine, I can't remember the last time that it happened. Over the years I have acquired service manuals and the like and learned enough to restore a couple vehicles and rebuild a few engines. If I could do it, I would imagine that a lot of other guys can too, but it takes a lot of reading of worthwhile info and it doesn't come from magazines.
when i worked in litho in pre-press, i used to have to read film negatives upside down and backwards !!! :rofl: i like magazines but not enough to have any subscriptions, i prefer looking at old copies. i have old popular mechanics from the early to mid 60's and i get a charge out of looking at them from time to time. :D

THAT explains why Doug holds a book upside down and reads looking at the book in a mirror
OOOOOHHHHHH, winter has been tooooo long and it is taking its toll on the old brain cells. HELP!!
The interweb certainly has a lot of information but I do still enjoy reading magazines.
I have a 35+ year subscription to Model Railroader.
The others I buy every month..
Scale Auto Enthusiast
The Absolute Sound
UHF. Audio mag.
Some I buy occasionally... NASCAR Illustrated, C&D, Garage Shots, ???
I used to get mags on a monthly basis. The fun for me was going to the store and looking at all the options. If something looked good, I would pick it up.
However, now I don't buy too many. I find I don't read them as much as I used to.
Corvette Mag may spark an interest though.....
I used to get mags on a monthly basis. The fun for me was going to the store and looking at all the options. If something looked good, I would pick it up.
However, now I don't buy too many. I find I don't read them as much as I used to.
Corvette Mag may spark an interest though.....

Corvette Mag is a favourite here at the Lines' ranch -- Have a look at it at the newsstand if you haven't already. I believe you'd be duly impressed.

Don't pay the newsstand price tho , you'll get hosed for $6.99 per issue!!!!!!!!

Get a subscription and pay about $3 per with a couple months thrown in for new subscriptions.

Happy reading.

This thread just warms my heart as I work in the print industry. :D
Some interesting replies to this. I agree Colin that Corvette Magazine is a good one.

So just an update on what I have found in my impulse purchase of Popular Mechanics. Some things never change. Starting from the back of course there is one page of Classified Ads. In there is adds for two boat building kit and plan companies that must be 50 or 60 years old. Clark Craft from Tonawanda, New York and Glen L. As I kid I always wanted to build a Hydroplane and I still have a copy of Glen L plans from at least 30 years ago when the dream was still alive. Closest I ever got to one was building a Sea Flea with my Father-in-law. God that thing was a lot of fun.

There is also an ad for a new Popular Mechanics book called "Back to the Future". You probably recall all of those wild futuristic predicting covers on these magazines, cars, transportation, building, electronics and on and on. Great stuff for us dreamers. Well this book tells the story of what became of those predictions. What is interesting is that on the cover of this particular issue I bought is the "Quest for 1000 MPH, Building the Worlds Fastest Car". This is a project going on by the by the same people who currently hold the LSR at 763.035 MPH and will be driven by Andy Green again. I suspect the attempt that will take place in South Africa may just happen.

I may just order the book, hopefully it is printed in Owen Sound. Of course I will read it back to front!

Have a great day guys.
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