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Legendary Motorcar TV

LMC is a great outfit and a terrific place to visit if you haven't already.
I'll watch out for their new show. It'll be a winner just like Dream Car Garage was.

On a side note, Tom Hnatiw who hosted DCG with Peter Klutt passed away at 53 this past summer. Quite a loss for the auto world, Tom will be sadly missed.

On a side note, Tom Hnatiw who hosted DCG with Peter Klutt passed away at 53 this past summer. Quite a loss for the auto world, Tom will be sadly missed.


What!? That sucks! He was hilarious on that show! That is really sad news.

Still, I look forward to their new show but that is really too bad.:canada:
Looks like a great show. They are all super guys there. Wishing Peter/ Gary and the team best of luck on their new show. Ill definitely be tuning in.

Wow, didn't know they also have a show. Just bought the 2012 CE GS C6 off them. Believe pics are still on their site.

Got a chance to put 1000km on it before storage. Love it!

It was such a gorgeous afternoon, for this time of year, that I quit doing the renovation work and Dale and I took the Corvette for a drive to Bobcaygeon for a Kawartha Dairy ice cream. It's worth the drive drive and I think we are enjoying the car now just as much as the first time we took it out six months ago. Weather like this can just keep coming. It sure beats the white alternative.
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