Old Timer
Aug 5, 2011
Cambridge ON
2006 vert, 1994 vert
Tony, Kathy and I (and my cam) are meeting at Mud and Centennial again tomorrow (at least we're 99% sure we are, pending Mother Nature) .........

Will be there 11:30'ish if you'd like to join.

The meet planned for the week of the 15th is still on and hasn't been cancelled; we're just trying to get as many nice days in as we can.

Would love to have you join us if you get time.

A great day with good friends, good cars, and a Tim's coffee -- all on a sunny dry day.
A peach for sure.
Only a few pics this time but special ones just the same:



Nice to see you guys out and about. Hope we can do the same next week. After that, like Riley says, I think mine will be going away as well. 0C here this morning and frost on the windshield. Fingers crossed for next week...
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