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las vegas NHRA


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well my last 2 weeks of annual vacation. off to las vegas and going to take in the nhra event on sunday. my wife is even going to accompany me! turns out a few of the local drag race boys will be there as well. I hope to meet up with them at the track. good way to finish off the driving season.
Have a great time in Vegas. Going to a National NHRA event is something that I just have to do.

Enjoy and take lots of pictures for us.
I see that SEMA Show is in Vegas next week..
Are you down for that as well?

I received an e-mail this morning about this autograph session.
At Sema 2014 - Las Vegas ,Nevada
VISIT Beckett Media Booth # 22697
FOR AN AUTOGRAPH SESSION WITH Tom "Mongoose" McEwen Drag Racing legend Tom "Mongoose" McEwen - Wednesday November 5th - 12 pm to 1 pm

Have fun...........
I can't get in to SEMA, auto related business owners, their staff and suppliers only. I have no contacts to get me in this year. have to work on my brother in law for next year.
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