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Just another INTERIOR PHOTO of the ... "STINGRAY"

This will finally put the debate of whether the C7 to bed for we know from below that there is a 2020 Stingray with a brand new model code — and having two 2020 StingRay’s (so different from each other), would be confusion to the power of insanity. Sorry for all who were hoping the front engine C7 would continue. I have been more than hinting about this for months (including earlier posting this screeen print), those postings based on what I was told by several impeccable sources, but never wanted to get into an argument for those who were sure the C7 was also going onward were strong opinioned on this issue (at least were so before today).

I am from Missouri show me when it comes out, until then GM sucks big time,

if they cannot fix the A8 trannies for 5 years who knows how this is handled

as proof remember the Ad with the 5 spelling mistakes, that was a doozey, do they pay ad managers who graduated from spell check class,

nothing is certain until it happens formally, (although you are close to getting there )

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