If you're gonna do dumb stuff, leave the cell phone camera in the glove box...

Stuff like that is why there are Darwin awards
So true

But I'll give him 1 point for at least not operating the camera :D

The unfortunate part is that we are seeing more and more of this creep up on social media

Whats even more unfortunate is that stupid things like this will intensify ... all in pursuit of those elusive " likes "

I'll bet the cops must have some task force that does nothing but scour Instagram facebook and what ever other platforms ... just looking for losers like this

Check this .... I think someone on here said ... in another thread;)... you cant fix stupid

Watch till the end ... the Lambo is literally pulverized
Give someone a vehicle that goes 100+ mph, and you know what's going to happen. Eventually.
The hardest part is doing it without hurting or killing yourself, or anyone else.
Or, destroying your property, or anyone else's.
Immortality exists in the minds of the young. Methinks.
Track it, before you smack it?

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