TGstring Member 2 You're 10 Apr 18, 2010 21 0 Canada VetteCoins 603 Car 1998 coupe Oct 26, 2011 #1 sold....long time ago... oops! I expect it to be gone soon so it's first come first served. :seeya: Last edited: Dec 27, 2011
Riley P Staff member Power User Moderator 2 You're 10 Jan 11, 2009 11,108 1,994 Saska-ba-toon! VetteCoins 15,303 Car 2000 Z51 Province SK Oct 26, 2011 #2 I would buy it! But then the mod bug would hit and I would have to take it to see Manny and I couldn't afford that, so I will have to pass.
I would buy it! But then the mod bug would hit and I would have to take it to see Manny and I couldn't afford that, so I will have to pass.