I got banned?!?!

Reaction score
2008 C6, MN6, Z51
Sorry, I know this is maybe not in the right section, but when I went to go to the 'other forum" this morning, it says I am banned for "innapropriate images"

NO idea what this mean,s I haven't even posted a photo in awhile. I am banned for a week, and I can't even get into the forum at ALL, not even without trying to log in.

this is VERY frustrating, I do all my research on the forum for future mods, as well as plan and attend cruises.

Sorry just venting. I thought the Nazi days of the Forum were over, guess I am wrong.

I'd at least like to know what 'images" they are talking about.
it's shoot first, ask questions later.
Thanks Mr Pierre!

I'd at least like to know what "image" they are talking about. I already totally removed my website form my profile which they asked me to do. I have NEVER advertised on ANY forum, it's not my style. I have simply posted a few of my works because some have asked to see them.

I love this forum and will start using it more often, but I do like the 'other" forum for it's broader member base in the main section, which I use ALOT for research. I have spent thousands of dollars directly from vendors on that forum so them 'banning" me is pretty stupid on their part if you ask me!

Anyways, I'll try to stop venting!

Stay tuned for a "Stan's hot dog run" sometime this week!
Sorry, I know this is maybe not in the right section, but when I went to go to the 'other forum" this morning, it says I am banned for "innapropriate images"

NO idea what this mean,s I haven't even posted a photo in awhile. I am banned for a week, and I can't even get into the forum at ALL, not even without trying to log in.

this is VERY frustrating, I do all my research on the forum for future mods, as well as plan and attend cruises.

Sorry just venting. I thought the Nazi days of the Forum were over, guess I am wrong.

I'd at least like to know what 'images" they are talking about.
it's shoot first, ask questions later.

Just sent you an e-mail with the contact info for the guy that runs the forum so you can give 'em hell. He's the one the mods have to answer to. :D
Ok well i found out why I was banned. I quoted someone else's post in the main C6 section titled "Can any C6 beat this picture?" it was a pic of a girl licking the C5 logo. So someone else posted a video clip of another girl licking a Mercedes symbol. NO NUDITY at all. I just quoted that one saying it was a better picture, so Voila, I am banned for a week for Quoting another person's post.

Wow is all I gotta say! I think I just found a new meaning for UPTIGHT!!
Coulda just locked or remioved the post. I wonder if everyon on that post got banned? It was at least 4 pages long last I saw it.
The last time they banned me (JJ) it took me a week of canvassing all the mods to find out A/ why and B/ for how long???? I thought forums where a way to exchange ideas and thoughts----I may have been mistaken!!---I think Rogue's Pierre just got banned for life!!!
The last time they banned me (JJ) it took me a week of canvassing all the mods to find out A/ why and B/ for how long???? I thought forums where a way to exchange ideas and thoughts----I may have been mistaken!!---I think Rogue's Pierre just got banned for life!!!

They are but only if they conform to the operators of the boards.

For a reminder, everyone should watch "One Flew over The Cuckoo's Nest" again. Same principle on the boards.
Yes Corrado, I haven't been able to sleep because of your post!! :rofl:

I posted up a funny one for Joe's post anouncing his wedding, and it got removed! :swear:

Ok well i found out why I was banned. I quoted someone else's post in the main C6 section titled "Can any C6 beat this picture?" it was a pic of a girl licking the C5 logo. So someone else posted a video clip of another girl licking a Mercedes symbol. NO NUDITY at all. I just quoted that one saying it was a better picture, so Voila, I am banned for a week for Quoting another person's post.

Wow is all I gotta say! I think I just found a new meaning for UPTIGHT!!
Coulda just locked or remioved the post. I wonder if everyon on that post got banned? It was at least 4 pages long last I saw it.
I saw the photo that was posted...not much there in terms of being obscene/offensive...and the fact that you are not the orginator of the photo...well that just sucks!
Not hijacking here but I guess you read my rant. All this because I invited my friends to join up here. I know they knew about it when I was no longer able to sent PM's to more than 1 person at a time. Talk about juvenile. Americans (in general) have a complex when it comes to being challenged on anything.
Thanks Peter, I got your email. I have sent an email to Internet Brands, they have responded and are looking into it further. (He seems genuinely concerned, so that's a good thing. I am not so concerned with myself, a week banned is not too big a deal, but I was mainly talking about all us Canadians:canada: in general, we don't deserve to be treated that way.

We'll see what comes out of it.

And as far as seeing that picture, no luck here, it wasn't even my picture, I was just quoting another members. BTW he got banned for a MONTH!!:rofl:
Did it look like this? :D I don't see how this deserves any kind of ban!


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