Here is an example of what your VIN tells you..
In this example 1G1Y72D43L5101153 First four digits are always the same.
1st is Country of Origin: 1 = USA
2nd is Manufacturer: G = GM
3rd is Make of car: 1 = Chevrolet
4th is Car Line or Series: Y = Y-body series (Corvette)
5th is 6 = 1LT, 7 = 2LT, 8=3LT
6th is 2 = coupe, 3 = HTC (Vert)
7th is always D (restraint system)
8th is engine type 4 = LT2
9th is the Check Digit. Use the Check Digit Calculator
10th is model year L = 2020 M = 2021 etc
11th is 5 = Bowling Green
12th is 1 = customer, 0 = CTF
The rest is partial vin. (sequential)