Help with VIN number

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Hi guys, I need a little help tracking the status of a car. The VIN is 1G1YC2D41M5105473.

The back story is my best friend lives in Arizona, his dealer has been telling him the car should be there next week, next week it’s not there. Not sure if it’s stuck in a rail yard, or held up with a constraint.

Any help is greatly appreciated.
Hi guys, I need a little help tracking the status of a car. The VIN is 1G1YC2D41M5105473.

The back story is my best friend lives in Arizona, his dealer has been telling him the car should be there next week, next week it’s not there. Not sure if it’s stuck in a rail yard, or held up with a constraint.

Any help is greatly appreciated.
Status tells you.
If it's 4B00 then it's likely constrained.
If it's 4200 or 4300 then it's likely sitting in a railyard.
We've seen it take a month to 6 weeks to arrive to the left coast.
VIN 5473 should have been built weeks ago. Google search finds this car is listed here:

Got to be something wrong...
No, the car is assigned by GM to his inventory once built. It really means nothing.
No, the car is assigned by GM to his inventory once built. It really means nothing.
However, it makes it most likely to be sitting at a railyard. I believe it becomes inventory when invoiced and it's not invoiced until it's released to the carrier.
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