Has Anyone Gone With 100% Paint protection (Xpel/3m/etc) and Opinions Appreciated

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2015 Z06
Tomorrow I drop my car off for its Xpel Ultimate Coverage and, up until just a few moments ago, I had absolutely no doubts in what I wanted. It is not a money matter as i have worked my #$% off to put this specific cost aside. I have intended on getting 100% coverage, not only because of my own clumsy mannerisms but also, I put alot of miles on my vehicles. It gets driven.

I am wondering if anyone else has invested in 100% coverage on their vehicle and what your thoughts and experiences are. Is it 100% transparent? Does it become very obvious as one gets close to the car? Does it fade (even though it is guaranted against it for 10 yrs)? If cost isn't a factor, is this the way to go?

The last thing I want is a car that remind me of my grandmothers couch that always had that plastic cover over it!

Thanks ahead folks!
I feel your angst.

I'm dropping mine off Monday also for Xpel Ultimate but decided not to do 100% coverage. Getting full front end 100%, A pillar, doors, mirrors, door cups, rockers and targa top. Also getting 3M film on the headlights for protection with just a slight tint to blend in with the Night Race Blue.
In terms of maintenance with these film covers do you just wash the car and that is it? Does it have to be waxed and how do you clean up road grime and bugs off it? What happens if you get a rip in the film?

Mike, if you get the front of the car covered does the Night Race Blue finish (my favourite by the way) look at all different from the not covered portion?
To me... the big advantage of full coverage seems to be that it is seamless first and foremost. I have 2K clicks on my Z in less than a week right now, and the small PP patches that have been installed by GM in front of the rear tire already have dirt and grime around their edges that is a PITA to remove (Yes, I am a bit anal with my toy's). As well, anyone who knows me KNOWS I need full coverage! My first exit from the vehicle resulted in a larghe scratch to my driver door sill plate that required my replacement this morning. $80 bucks for a stupid mistake.
I have the 3M on the front, mirrors, door sills. There are seems but not really visible. I'm not sure about the Xpel. I would suggest going onto the US forum website as there is a lot more info. on it. Some like it some not so much. I'm going next week to have the windows tinted, Pinnacle 30 and 40% and 3M the headlights, clear. I think Formula One makes a film for the exterior, again not certain as I haven't researched that. Even if it does yellow over time, which it shouldn't, you can always replace it. Cheaper then a paint job and some types are self healing. Good luck.
I have 2K clicks on my Z in less than a week right now, and the small PP patches that have been installed by GM in front of the rear tire already have dirt and grime around their edges that is a PITA to remove (Yes, I am a bit anal with my toy's).

I have 7800km and about 500km ago the patch got hit by a rock and it was torn, I've not removed the film yet so not sure if there is any paint damage underneath.

My first exit from the vehicle resulted in a larghe scratch to my driver door sill plate that required my replacement this morning. $80 bucks for a stupid mistake.

Cheaper then a paint job and some types are self healing. Good luck.

6 weeks ago door got dinged in the parking lot. I parked on far side no cars around and loads of spaces. Woman who works at my dentists office parked right beside it, the wind caught her door and slammed into the door. $680 later it was repaired and repainted. And of course the rock chip in the lower film happened after it was in the shop.
I have 7800km and about 500km ago the patch got hit by a rock and it was torn, I've not removed the film yet so not sure if there is any paint damage underneath.

6 weeks ago door got dinged in the parking lot. I parked on far side no cars around and loads of spaces. Woman who works at my dentists office parked right beside it, the wind caught her door and slammed into the door. $680 later it was repaired and repainted. And of course the rock chip in the lower film happened after it was in the shop.

The film will protect from the small stone digs but not the bigger stones. A couple of years ago I was at a show and there was a car with a full body wrap. Looked great from a distance but up close you could see all kinds of little air bubbles. I guess you need to be very careful as to who does your work. There are quite a few amateurs in the business. When we bought our car, it already had 13K miles worth of little stone chips so there wasn't much point in having the film installed. It's probably a good idea on a new car. I read of one complaint where the clear film was yellowing but I don't know the brand and it would probably only be noticed on light coloured cars.
The film will protect from the small stone digs but not the bigger stones. A couple of years ago I was at a show and there was a car with a full body wrap. Looked great from a distance but up close you could see all kinds of little air bubbles. I guess you need to be very careful as to who does your work. There are quite a few amateurs in the business.

There are a bunch of shops doing Xpel installs but I'm going with one of the only 4 shops in the GTA that are authorized Xpel installers to do it.

I read of one complaint where the clear film was yellowing but I don't know the brand and it would probably only be noticed on light coloured cars.

From what I recall the yellowing complaints were the 3M film.
Just got the car back and wanted to pass on my thoughts on the full Xpel coverage and window tint... Oh man! The pictures speak for themselves and,yes it was a 5 k investment for both but well worth it IMO!!! Here are a few piks!

I need to correct something I stated earlier. I have found a few seams and edges that I never expected, but it still doesnt change my feelings as to whether I would get this done again in a heartbeat. Where I thought originally, the edges were tucked around , I can see seams on the edge, much like one would the top edge of the window tint. It is great whether today so the car is literally sitting in the driveway baking and the Xpel appears to be curing with a few small bumps disappearing completely. All in all though, the seams and edges are only visible to myself, or another looking for just that, and would never be seen by another admiring the car.
I also had my complete car wrapped in Xpel. I have had the car to 2 car shows and no one noticed it had Xpel coverage unless you point it out. I initially had a small imperfection in the roof panel that we did not initally notice, a very small hair had been caught under the panel, My Xpel installer came and replaced the whole panel at no charge, I am very happy with the Expel. The other day a lady opened her door and gave the drivers mirror a hard bang, no damage done, I will guarantee without the Expel I would have had a chip.
I also had my complete car wrapped in Xpel. I have had the car to 2 car shows and no one noticed it had Xpel coverage unless you point it out. I initially had a small imperfection in the roof panel that we did not initally notice, a very small hair had been caught under the panel, My Xpel installer came and replaced the whole panel at no charge, I am very happy with the Expel. The other day a lady opened her door and gave the drivers mirror a hard bang, no damage done, I will guarantee without the Expel I would have had a chip.

Exactly why I got the Xpel. I had my door dinged and cost me almost 700 to repair by the dealer. Hoping the Xpel will save me next time.
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Smackyyz, it will save you unless it is hit with a sharp object and even then you will get better protection then letting it hit the paint itself. Does anyone else have pictures of their clear bra paint protection film jobs? I seen the one above and looks excellent!

Exactly why I got the Xpel. I had my door dinged and cost me almost 700 to repair by the dealer. Hoping the Xpel will save me next time.
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In terms of maintenance with these film covers do you just wash the car and that is it? Does it have to be waxed and how do you clean up road grime and bugs off it? What happens if you get a rip in the film?

Mike, if you get the front of the car covered does the Night Race Blue finish (my favourite by the way) look at all different from the not covered portion?

So I can't see that anyone totally answered you yet...or I'm blind...either way something to think about bugs. Those splats are eventually acidic/corrosive. They will eventually leave a permanent mark on your film and it looks horrible. Best advice is to wax often as this aids in bugs removal and some protection. Wash as often as you can. My car gets washed after every drive. Those pesky little buggers don't even get a chance to take up residence. If I can't wash immediately after a drive; 5 miles or 300 miles, I get it done within 2 or 3 days max. For the small trips where there isn't a tonne I have a little pressurized container full of a concoction I made that I squirt on or I use foaming glass cleaner...and the bugs wipe right off with a microfibre. Even the rims and exhaust have to be done fairly regularily if you want them to stay newish looking. Worth it in the long run. Just my .02 cents. Ymmv.
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