Does any one Know


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2009 & 1975
There was a gentleman at the rock car show in Saskatoon this summer who said he had purchase that 90-92 white corvette that was in that crash on I think circle in Saskatoon. Does anyone know who he is or if he has it posted somewhere, he was wanting to sell body? I would really like to find a number as I wanted to purchase the passenger door panel
Yes thats the guy I met him at the car show this summer. I belong to the Saskatoon corvette Club, he stopped and told us he was gonna sell the rest of the car after he took the motor, but have never heard or seen anything of it since.
Aaaaahh. I spoke with the original owner for half an hour at the Nufab car show and I can't recall the specifics of all the information he told me. Nuts!
For some reason, I thought he said the person who bought it had someone lined up to buy the interior but I can't remember the stinking details. My apologies for that. I'll keep an eye out if I see anything. Maybe it'll come up on kijiji in the Spring?
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